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- about 1 year ago on Luann
about 1 year ago
on Luann
Luann won’t put on her helmet until right before she is out the door. That’s not really significant and they legally would NEVER allow anyone to go without one; but you dont need to have it on when you are still sitting waiting for the right elevation… My vote is that she will do it and be proud of the accomplishment AND that this way of telling it is her talking about it in her head before actually doing it. Otherwise who would she be talking to in this environment?? We would already see Frank if he was there and she would be having dialogue with him to psych them both up for the jump. The instructor will soon have both their lives in her hands; and so why would I do any more talking to her?? Not in a negative way, but just she needs to focus on the next steps in keeping us both safe… (I would probably be doing a silent prayer for safe landing..)
Why are we talking about the end of the strip? There are a lot of stories left to tell, and this will just be a really great way for Luann to finally show that she can step out of her bubble of regular young girl to takes chances-can be capable of badazzery girl…
I usually feel like I am an over thinker… but the Luanniverse crowd has me beat by about 1000 thinks.. LOL
about 1 year ago
on Luann
I agree. I have read this for years, and the only complaint that I have (or would have); is that Luann didn’t get to evolve into a normal (19+ er) at least with a solid romantic figure. I was over the moon when she had Quill (they were great together); and why did Aaron have to go to Hawaii and NEVER come back (that was weird). Jack seems like a likely option (he seems VERY asexual and that’s okay) … IDK, when I was 19 (back in the stone ages) it seemed like I had a solid dating life; with someone that I thought was just IT (i just can’t remember a face, name or who that was right now…I just know that there was someone…)LOL ANYWAY, if the Evans’ are reading comments, I love your strip… Just waiting on the baby for Toni and Brad; and for Luann to find her person (NOT GUNTHER); for Bernice to stop being so judgemental (as I judge what you are doing… ;o) and maybe for Tiff to get a chance at KIP (Stef doesn’t deserve him) – there are a lot of cool ways that you could go with this. But, since it’s not Doonesbury (did I just date myself); you do what your heart tells you… I can’t remember if I kept it positive or went off the deep end… Sorry (I will stop with the book now……… (still loving the strip..)
about 1 year ago
on Luann
That actually got a giggle out of me. Maybe you start at $20 for the initial looksee of your legs; and go up from there. I am sure at 79 your legs have been a lot of places, seen a lot… (you get where I’m going…LOL) I’d pay to just hear the stories that you tell…
about 1 year ago
on Luann
Yeah, if nothing comes out of this, I feel like Stef should get hers… I kind of liked the Kip/Tiff idea… I like Bets for Gunther; she really brought him out of the little curly haired nerd stage… (I have been reading for WAY too many years); Luanne is really truly best as just his friend/close like a sister. Who needs the we have known each other for years; let’s all of a sudden realize that we love each other… (oops, there I go reading my romance book; rom-com; EVERY SINGLE STORY EVER MADE!!! LOL) let’s not go there with Gunth and Lu please!!???
about 1 year ago
on Luann
I agree. Bets was noticeably hurt by the comments and I don’t think she is coming in. She is going to get back in (or stay in) the van and head for the great beyond. What is left for her if she is thinking that Gunther has already moved on? School obviously wasn’t enough of a draw for her to come back…So begins “the Great Misunderstanding”. (sorry, I read a lot of boy meets girl; boy loses girl (not knowing that she is secretly pregnant); boy eventually sees girl again; with a kid that looks Just like him… LOL) That’s not this; but at least the first part… ;o)
over 1 year ago
on Luann
You all seem to forget that Kip is a 19 or 20-something Football jock; he PROBABLY would not be in the market for his lifetime partner yet. What Post-Teen boy is turning down what Stef is throwing ALL THE TIME. Like some of the comments, I would prefer that Stef was showing what she learned at Cheer camp; and I am still team Tiff/Kip . Stef is just so shallow and mean it’s kind of not fair that she win on this one. I would love to see her finally get hers. It’s not even about Tiffany stealing someone’s man; when you are a mean girl all bets should be off…. IJS… Thick Beauties Unite Tiff!!! ;o) lol
over 1 year ago
on Luann Againn
You remember something from 1968?? What you wore, and it’s impact… that would have put you in your early teens; born in early “Happy Days Era” – more than 60 years ago??? not believing it… lol I was born in ‘66 and can’t remember what I ate for Sunday Dinner (JK – fried chicken; steamed broccoli and a side salad…) :oP
over 1 year ago
on Luann
I really hope the Evans’ don’t go the way of the comments for a lot of what you guys are saying. I think it would be awesome for Tiffany to finally get a chance at a relationship with a hunk like Kip (Ox would be okay also). Stef doesn’t deserve him; and he seems to be written as a pretty decent guy. Stef should get left at the airport (don’t they have Ubers in Luanniverse; THEY DO since Gunther came home in one…) Who makes someone pick them up at the airport anymore AND acts like they will be stranded if it doesn’t happen?? Like someone said “needy much?”… signed – Team “Kipanny” (TiKip? Tif-Ox?? Kipanny it is… ;o)
almost 2 years ago
on Luann
oh, wait, @ProclaimLiberty already said that… lol
Gee, Am I the only one that thinks that Brad has really GLOWED UP since he has gotten older and married? Such a cutie!! (Great Artwork) LuaanAgain Brad was such a dweeb… ;o)