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rae.callaway Premium

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Recent Comments

  1. about 1 year ago on The Other Coast

    The world for a dog in a yard is a live dog. Free range outside is starvation and death

  2. over 1 year ago on Get Fuzzy

    I know it’s a comic, but dang. Cats are carnivores, they do NOT do well on non-meat diets. Put Bucky on a restricted bland chicken diet. or diet kibble.

  3. about 2 years ago on Loose Parts

    Who wants to be closer to the city? I moved out to the country to get away from the city!

  4. about 2 years ago on Wallace the Brave

    It’s bugging me that Sterling is the same size as Wallace. What’s the age difference?

  5. about 2 years ago on Wallace the Brave

    Sterling is the same size as Wallace? What’s the age difference here? Are they growing up in this comic, or stagnant?

  6. over 2 years ago on Crabgrass

    oooh. $250,000 fine for messing with the US mail. Plus jail time.

  7. almost 3 years ago on Cul de Sac

    OH, I love this strip so much. The kids are pretty realistic and the parents aren’t idiots. Only other one I’ve found is Wallace. So freaking sad that the author died.

  8. almost 3 years ago on For Better or For Worse

    Well, so far this storyline is going at a much different track than I would have thought. Was the original in the 80’s or 90’s? In the late 80’s and early 90’s I was going through my own education with college roommates. Came to a realization that I really didn’t have an issue with their sexual orientation. My Mom may have been raised by a bigot/racist/homophobe, but when I (and my sister) started explaining our friends, she was open to change. I do miss her.

  9. almost 3 years ago on Cul de Sac

    I’ve been incredibly sad to learn that this strip has an end date and why. Richard Tompson had an awesome grasp on toddlers. All the characters come across as real, not caricatures.

  10. almost 4 years ago on Get Fuzzy

    I would have thought it was because cats are omnivores and can’t really digest plants, so it’s not really food for them.