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Longbow1964 Free

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  1. 5 months ago on Wizard of Id

    God’s waiting room!

  2. 5 months ago on Cul de Sac
    Petey resembles Mitch McConnell as a child.
  3. 5 months ago on Wizard of Id

    Everyone should know ghosts don’t like heat.

  4. 5 months ago on Get Fuzzy

    It’s called Truth Social.

  5. 5 months ago on Cul de Sac

    Trust me! Evil clowns are already there!

  6. 5 months ago on B.C.

    It means that even Star Wars fans know they are wasting half their lives on Star Wars stuff.

  7. 5 months ago on Moderately Confused

    It’s also one of my favorite comic strips.

  8. 5 months ago on Cul de Sac

    The first time I read this comic my children were small. When the forecast said it was going to snow over night I told my kids I could make it snow by flushing ice cubes. We flushed some ice cubes together. They woke the next morning with 6 inches of snow on the ground. They thought I was god…… until their mother told them the truth. Then they were peeved with me! They got over it when I took them sleigh riding then had hot coco with little marshmallows.

  9. 5 months ago on Cul de Sac

    At 59, I love nap time!

  10. 5 months ago on B.C.

    I call BS! Why should they have to risk their lives to deliver mail when other jobs that don’t have to do with public safety (ambulances, police, fire) don’t have to risk theirs? Couple weeks ago we got 24 inches of snow in a couple days. No garbage pick up, meter maids, etc. and no postal delivery. And kudos to the unions for sticking up for their members safety and the safety of the public. That is their job. It’s common sense to know that the less people on the road during storms the safer it is for the workers who have to be out.