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Are you sure the Sylvia Plath routine isn’t more George RR Martin?
Where is the Pointy Haired Boss, and why isn’t he running the meeting? Is it because he’d never admit it was useless?
Fine. Toss and turn all you want—on the couch!
Sure. Just put some money in the tip jar. Oh, wait! I don’t have one. I guess it’s not about you then.
I bet she’ll blame Charlie Brown when she gets it wrong.
Lucky Kitty didn’t pop it.
Just what I came here to say! I don’t think it worked any better for Calvin.
Can you say, “conflict of interest,” boys and girls? I knew you could.
Maybe “Dumb-Dumb” should get him some gum-gum.
And bad for the environment, with all the pod packaging.
Are you sure the Sylvia Plath routine isn’t more George RR Martin?