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LittleMuddyPaws13 Free

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Recent Comments

  1. almost 4 years ago on Cathy Commiserations


  2. almost 5 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    Since cats don’t have opposable thumbs, telekinesis is a logical cat superpower. At least they are still willing to keep us around – noblese oblige and all that.

  3. almost 5 years ago on Cat's Cafe

    Well done, Snake! With Cat as the DM, you would have likely suceeded in your request. A natural 20 grants you access to the Slime’s Special Blend!

  4. almost 5 years ago on Cat's Cafe

    My husband suggested looking up Roll20 on the internet. He said it has really good information for learning. It has a chat room and helps locate players.

  5. about 5 years ago on Cat's Cafe

    I’ve always found that when I don’t know what I’m doing, it means I get to choose what to do next. And if I don’t know what to do next, then do something new that I haven’t done before.

  6. about 5 years ago on Cat's Cafe

    Ooh, cup of mistlejoe, please! I know exactly who I’m going to share it with!

  7. about 5 years ago on Cat's Cafe

    More likely free mittens to go with a blue coat. Gratitude and smiles are always high fashion.

  8. about 5 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    Seriously though, we used to have ferrets and they were ALWAYS helpful. Ah, fond memories! (Really needs a LOL button on these things.)

  9. about 5 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    Why does this only have a like button?! I laughed so hard I scared my cats!

  10. about 5 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    Somebody mentioned a plastic lawn chair – if it doesn’t fit, then try a folding chair. It doesn’t have to be plastic if you only need it for a month or two and you can probably find one for a good price at your nearest 2nd hand store.

    Very glad to hear about Nushi! We hope for similar great results for you, as well!