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Perhaps the last line spoken in panel 4 is more prophetic than we’d like to believe at this moment. . .
Maybe methane back then still smelled.
Well . . . maybe he could’ve smelled the methane —if back then they wren’t all wearing those terribly smelly old animal skins!
So why did she even bother to say that one of them should go get more coffee cuz it was getting low?
Trolly-poley puddin’ and pie,
Likes to push the hoax–that big lie.
Don’t sweat the flood,
It just makes mud.
It’s the heat that’ll make us die!
Yes, and while doing Toni’s laundy, if you’re observant, you might just doscover what her fave color is.
Mayhap the storyline will veer that way tom’w!
Still hoping to see bumper stickers proclaiming:
Perhaps we’ll soon find out who actually broke that window. (Glad I haven’t been holding my breath all this time!)
Always good to see that once in a while rat gets just what he deserves (just like Hyacinth Bucket oughtta).
Perhaps the last line spoken in panel 4 is more prophetic than we’d like to believe at this moment. . .