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  1. 7 days ago on Herman

    He was so happy he used an entire bag of rice to celebrate the new marriage…took me a second to grasp the joke… I saw it like the other commenter until I considered Jim Unger humor is never so negative, only the outcomes sometimes….. thanks for trusting us to “get-it”, Mr. Unger.

  2. 19 days ago on Lisa Benson

    I knew the moment Garland was exposed for the kind of SCOTUS justice he would be, and was not confirmed that he would find a way to exact revenge on those who opposed him, or were even remotely affiliated with those that kept him from realizing a lifetime dream. Biden and the democrats provided the perfect opportunity for him to launch his attacks..

  3. 23 days ago on Speed Bump

    There is a gem everyday, and today it came to use thanks to Dave Coverly!

  4. 25 days ago on Lisa Benson

    I can tell you that anyone who says “most of us” is talking about a few of the noisy, left-wing, activist few…..If it were “most of us” Virginia would still be on a downward spiral…thank God it is only “a few” who would agree with you.

  5. about 1 month ago on Gary Varvel

    They sure didn’t seem to hate Trump in the Bronx…. in fact their affection for him appears real as indicated by how upset the haters and all the things they are making up about Trump pulling the same illusions of popularity that Biden has always used.

  6. about 2 months ago on Gary Varvel

    Inflated numbers to feed Hamas propaganda…ignorance of the care IDF is taking to protect the same civilians that Hamas hides behind, and the willful twisting of facts to say that the IDF was responsible for civilian deaths …kind of like the false narrative that the IDF blew up a hospital when it was an inaccurate Hamas rocket….of course the hospital blew up because Hamas was storing weapons in tunnels beneath the hospital.

  7. about 2 months ago on Lisa Benson

    He might or he might not…Biden couldn’t if he could even remember why he was hanging there…

  8. about 2 months ago on Ripley's Believe It or Not

    alas yes… but they do own up to there reputation of $#&! for brains..

  9. about 2 months ago on Gary Varvel

    Include ALL of the history, including Haj Amin al-Husseini, the grand mufti of Jerusalem and his agreements with Hitler for a Jewish Genocide. Fast forward and Israel who occupied Gaza since being attacked in 1967, disengaged Gaza in 2005. Terrorist group Hamas was elected into government by the Palestinian people. Even a blind person must admit there would have been no way that Hamas preparations could have been completely secret. A large number of Palestinian people were knowledgeable about all of the Oct 7 preparation making them complicit in the Oct 7 Hamas sneak attack and barbarism against Israel. Only people who want to see a Jewish Genocide sing “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free”.

  10. 2 months ago on Strange Brew

    Maybe I’m not optimistic enough…we are a select group of superior intellects…ha ha ha