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  1. over 2 years ago on Luann

    Notice the subtle dirty joke there? “What’s up” answer “Kip”, get it?

  2. over 2 years ago on Doonesbury

    I was just wondering if they were going to bring in Kim’s parents. If I remember correctly, she learned English by listening to Carter speeches

  3. over 2 years ago on Doonesbury

    me, too.

  4. over 2 years ago on Non Sequitur

    1) Really expensive: housing often around 1 mill to buy, 2 bedroom apartment, $3000 or so to rent, gas is getting well over $6 a gallon in areas 2) homeless issues/drop in quality of life/high taxes 3) dominance of one political party (democrats) that really seeks a lot of control. Bill Maher comments on that a lot and he’s a democrat. Great weather, though

  5. almost 3 years ago on Doonesbury

    Unless I got the order wrong and your message was referring to someone else, if so, please accept my apologies

  6. almost 3 years ago on Doonesbury

    Whaaaa, no, spoiler alert: he does marry Kim. Gotta say, odd interpretation. I’ve been reading the strip for decades now, these strips are from a long time ago, so I already know how they turn out

  7. almost 3 years ago on Doonesbury

    Funny enough, if I have it right, the charactor of Kim actually was introduced as an infant in the mid 70s (adopted from Vietnam). Learned English from listening to President Carter I believe. Being that Mike’s roommate SERVED in Vietnam, you can get the idea of the age difference.

  8. over 3 years ago on Steve Benson

    aaaaand another party glosses over what I wrote. Yes, Rush disliked the left and most of his shows wouldn’t survive a fact check. So what? He’s no different from Lemon or any talk show host nowadays. And many from the left said “good” when he died (doubt Rush said anything that bad, but open to being wrong on that). See, you’ve proven my point, the left is in a state of denial with what they are doing… and the murder rates go up, more riots. etc…. Again, your side is going to lose in 2022 because of this. And sadly, Trump is a good bet to win in 2024 if he’s not in jail. Your side can “like” all the dumb takes as you want, but it doesn’t change the fact that the left doesn’t get it. Teigen isn’t a disease, she’s a sympton of the hate from the left. Trump and his idiots are a reaction to the hate from the left.. want it to stop? Condemn all blind hate, not just the ones from the side you don’t like.

  9. over 3 years ago on Steve Benson

    See, this is what I’m talking about. If you want to discuss the silliness of the election lie by team Trump, or the treason of the assault on the capital, I wouldn’t make up BS like Old Coal and gloss over it: there’s no excuse for that. Personally I think a major part of the conservative party is nuts right now. But when an idiot like Oldcoal, who doesn’t even realize that murder rates are dramatically going up or that Antifa held part of a major city or anything factual, shows his ignorance and gets a like for it, it tells me that the left doesn’t see the issues here. Which is why the left is going to lose the next election dispite the calculated bribe attempts by Biden. This is why they lost to Trump the first time and why Trump got over 74 million votes the last time despite mishandling the pandemic. You guys just don’t see how insane the left is. So that forces more moderate voices to decide: Do I go with the left even though they are causing a lot of damage or join up with people I don’t like?

  10. over 3 years ago on Steve Benson

    Not a single lie, not one, and you know it, liar. So to copy from you, except honestly this time: "You started with a lie, continued with a lie, and then added more lies. " Thanks for proving my point, liar. Note: saying a lie emphatically does not make it true. You are part of the problem in the US. You will lie and distort and justify it because you see yourself as on the “right” side of issues. Just a leftist version of Trump and Rush from what I see, liar. Sad that the left has to replace debate with namecalling and lies. Just realized: you did exactly what I expected, shifted the conversation to a lie. Wow, didn’t realize I had esp, you liar. LOL