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  1. 4 minutes ago on Pearls Before Swine

    If you have been ordering a half-soy, half-organic mochiatto with an espresso shot and foam on the side, and if the place can provide this order, you can fight each other over the tip money for all I care.

  2. 26 minutes ago on In Security

    Must be sad to be a normal men. Us, superior men, will never know how it feels but we can sympathize.

  3. 2 days ago on Luann

    A TV is a screen, one doesn’t need to watch cable or networks on it, but for watching motion pictures, a 75" tv sure beats a computer screen.

  4. 2 days ago on Luann

    Round 2 of IPA draft is more attractive to me.

  5. 5 days ago on Pooch Cafe

    In Mexico it was probably human meat, narcos butcher more of them than stray cats or dogs.

  6. 7 days ago on Ted Rall

    I am afraid I wasn’t clear. I meant that the only excuse I can see for Biden’s supporters to say he isn’t senile is that they are senile, so they can’t see the truth that Biden is a senile old genocidal fool or forget it once they see it. In other words, they are as guilty as Trump supporters of denying reality.

  7. 8 days ago on Ted Rall

    We know one needs to be deranged to support Trump. That’s established. But it seems that if Biden isn’t senile, then his supporters must be.

  8. 9 days ago on Pooch Cafe

    He’s based on M.O.D.OK.

  9. 10 days ago on ViewsBusiness

    If wanting a better management of agricultural and energy resources and supporting local businesses instead of opening the door to companies that do not contribute to prosperity but create unemployment and leverage artificial taxes that do not profit to European citizen is a zero sum game then I have nothing more to say to you. What she is doing is like an american president taxing Boeing or blocking its expansion so Airbus could be more competitive in the USA, or allow Chinese companies to buy high tech US companies then steal their technology and fire the american employees. As an example, she is currently enforcing European farmers to go through drastic standards of production, banning some pesticides (and not the worst kind, mind you) that are necessary for some crops, like the special rice for paella grown in Spain, while at the same time opening the doors and forcing the same countries to buy quotas of imported meat or vegetables from outside EU, that do not have to go through the same quality standards. Anyway, I’ve said enough.

  10. 10 days ago on ViewsBusiness

    She has been pushing US interests vs European interests, she has destroyed the agricultural policy, she keeps pushing big corps and banks interests against national or local industry, helping some big companies acquire technology or delocalize to avoid taxes while laying out people, the policies she and her clique enforce on competition have prevented the establishing of some groups in tech sector (like Alsthom) with alliance between several countries and companies that would have effectively countered Chinese or American competition, and her policies on energy and the price of electricity are a disaster. She and her entourage are exactly the kind of persons the guillotine has been invented for.