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  1. over 5 years ago on Luann

    Every place has its own points and good points. My hometown (don’t live there anymore) is the sterotype busting Huntsville, AL, which has the highest per capita number of PhDs and engineers in the United States due to NASA and the three major Army commands located nearby. It is consistently rated as one of the top 10 places to live in America and in the top 5 for entrepreneurs. It is a great place to raise a family, low cost of living, decent schools and a first rate regional university with a highly rated engineering program staffed with NASA scientists, art museums, symphony, etc.

    I spent two summers in California (Ocean Ave in Santa Monica near the pier 1967 and 1969) while my dad was in school for his company. 1997-1998 6 months on a work project in Torrance and lived in Playa del Rey. Two lengthy vacations in 2017 and 2019. I love California and though I don’t care for the political climate love the sunny skies and dry air. Everyplace has it’s fruitcakes (Hello Austin and Boulder, CO) but by and large people are just trying to get by and sure are much friendlier than here in the DC area where I live now.

    DC sucks, high cost of living, snotty stuck-up people, antiquated roads, interminable traffic 7×24×365 and horrible weather… only about 20 days a yearwhere you can stand to be outside. It’s either so hot and humid (like Bama) or cold and the Chesapeake Bay, Tidal Potomac and Atlantic Ocean are humidity pumps.High levels of mold, mildew.

    I could live in Palmdale near Edwards or Vegas or Phoenix. 45 minute plane ride great weekend gettaway to California.

    Every place is what you make of it.