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  1. about 3 years ago on Luann

    It really is awful that you’re forced to acknowledge and celebrate every date set by every organization. It certainly is nice to have 365¼ days off every year but it makes using the post office nearly impossible.

  2. over 3 years ago on Nancy

    Many of the characters in Nancy are brilliant kids. Lucy, here, might be the smartest. What’s more distressing to me is that there is a comic about soldiers who don’t talk like soldiers and they don’t even go on deployment or equip themselves like modern soldiers. The NERVE! There’s this other strip where a viking is running around wearing a hat with horns on it (can you IMAGINE!) and, get this, SPEAKING ENGLISH. It’s INSANE. There are so many anachronisms and inaccuracies on the comics page that I often fly into a rage and can’t even begin my day as a professional internet fusspot.

  3. over 3 years ago on Nancy

    Yeah, Nancy should go back to looking through knot holes in fences, watching people paste signs up, and hanging out with soda jerks and candy store clerks. Why should the character or the strip move forward when there is so much stuff that could be rehashed for the millionth time? Or, you could hit the archives in search of old Nancy and WE’LL vote to continue moving forward.

  4. about 5 years ago on Luann

    Man discovers the need to interact with younger generations is a loathsome burden and tumescent obstacle for his stated goal of obtaining some measure of physical fitness for himself. He must gird himself for the humiliation of self-comparison with the symbol of unearned vitality that stands before him as both gatekeeper and, simultaneously, as pitiful lackey. The youthful footwear guardian’s unkempt mane serves as further insult to man’s pending mortality. Shoes themself stand in as a classical symbol of femininity and desire, so it is fitting that they are the object that these two generationally divided bucks are metaphorically clashing their antlers over. The questions that are not directly asked but certainly implied are, should the man purchase these totems will he even use them, and, regardless of their conventional use, are they nothing more than a way to run FROM this conflict, or perhaps his responsibilities, or even the family whose love he feels is receding in pace with his own hairline. It may be these overarching questions that lead the man to seek out conflict rather than simply complete his task on his own as countless consumers do on a daily basis. The boy may see all of this and use the opportunity to strike down and destroy the man with all his hubris and doubt, and the man would feel he deserved this fate.

  5. about 5 years ago on Prickly City

    His strawman liberal is having issues? What could be upsetting in the comment section of a comic where an old white dude channels his gross politics through a little brown girl? Take heart, Stantis, you’ll continue to draw a paycheck for this garbage and it could be worse. You could be drawing Mallard Fillmore.