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  1. about 5 years ago on Peanuts

    Is Superman on? ’Cause we have to watch that!

  2. about 5 years ago on Ripley's Believe It or Not

    When I was a nursing student going through my pediatrics rotation around 1991, I had a patient that was over 6 feet high and filled out like he was athletic. I figured he was in his 20s but no…. he was 12. Sure was an eye-opener about being able to expect the unexpected as patients.

  3. about 5 years ago on Ripley's Believe It or Not

    Update I copies from Snopes – The face Laerdal used for his training dummy was that of “L’Inconnue de la Seine,” the by-then well-traveled death mask of an unknown Parisian girl. The modern CPR dummy was built in 1960 and sold under the name “Resusci Anne.” In North America she has been christened “CPR Annie.” Many a student of basic CPR has been taught to check if a patient is unconscious by gently shaking the doll and calling, “Annie, Annie, are you OK?”

    The legend collides with reality in that while the doctor behind the creation of CPR Annie did not model its face after that of his deceased daughter, he was indeed the father of a girl who died in childhood. In 1954, Dr. Peter Safar and his wife, Eva, produced a daughter, whom they named Elizabeth. This girl child came into the world prematurely, and soon after her birth she was diagnosed with severe asthma. She suffered from this malady throughout her brief life, which ended at age eleven in 1966 after she underwent an asthma attack and slipped into a coma.

  4. about 5 years ago on Ripley's Believe It or Not

    Interesting – the teachers always told us in CPR certification class that she was modeled after the daughter of the company’s owner.

  5. about 5 years ago on Pluggers

    When I was a RN I always called all my patients sir or ma’am (or Mr./Mrs./Ms.) unless they indicated they wanted me to call them by another name. My parents taught me to respect everyone else. I don’t ever want to hear a nurse calling a patient something like “honey” or “sweety” because they are to lazy to learn the patient’s name.

  6. about 5 years ago on The Argyle Sweater

    The Master of Science will be the only one with a job offer.

  7. about 5 years ago on Pickles

    I’ve noticed that when one day seems pretty much like the others, you can’t remember what you did when. Ummm…did I take my pills today or was that yesterday??

  8. about 5 years ago on Pluggers

    I used to love looking things up in the encyclopedia and would happily read about other things while flipping through the pages. We had the Encyclopedia Americana with updates.

  9. about 5 years ago on The Argyle Sweater


  10. about 5 years ago on For Better or For Worse

    Run out of time? My brother didn’t have an official name for the birth certificate for his son until his first birthday. The poor kid got stuck with Giz as a nickname.