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  1. 14 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Good point. But then… His supporters don’t care. They don’t care that Trump will raise their taxes to give tax cuts to millionaires. They are so stupidly loyal to him to their own detriment. These nuts actually committed suicide by Covid (by not vaxxing/not masking), to prove their loyalty. So they won’t care that he bankrupts them. Trump reinforces their racism and fascism- And that overrides everything for them. They’d rather be poor, or even be willing to die- If it means they get their racism and fascism.

  2. 3 months ago on FoxTrot

    Nah- Trump is a rapist, racist, sexist, bigot, convicted criminal felon, insurrectionist anti-American who tried to overthrow our government, fascist, Hitler quoting Nazi lover. And racist, bigoted, fascists who like when women are raped- will be voting for him.

  3. 3 months ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Wow. That first panel is what would happen if Trump was elected. I hope people are smart and don’t vote for Trump, who is a Hitler admiring fascist, racist, convicted criminal felon rapist unAmerican insurrectionist who tried to overthrow the govt.

  4. 4 months ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Trump at the debate on the legal migrant Black Haitians in Springfield… “They’re eating the dogs. They’re eating the cats.”Trump is terrorizing Springfield with his racist lies and his stochastic terrorism. He incited terrorism on Jan 6, he’s inciting terrorism and death threats and bomb threats in Springfield now. Trump’s terrorism forced schools to be evacuated and hospitals to close. Trump is happily terrorizing school children and injured hospital patients/ children with cancer with his racist lies. And Trump is a terrorist and evil and sick for doing so. And only evil and sick and stupid people would support Trump now.

  5. 4 months ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Thanks for proving my point, Exxy. You proved what I said. No babies are executed after birth. And you fact checked Trump, proving him wrong. Thx. Good job.

  6. 4 months ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Sportymonk: “LEt’s do some FACT CHECKING on the rigged debate.”YeS, LeT’s… and not rigged. Notice how republicans are whiners and losers when they lose fairly, WATBs that they are. Biden didn’t whine when he lost like Trump is.

    SM: “Trump mentioned babies being aborted afgter birth”Lie. You have to lie through your teeth to defend your lie. Trump is quoted as saying, “Execute the baby.” “Execution after birth”. Since doctors AREN’T executing babies, the moderator rightly corrected his lie by saying, “There is no state in this country where it is legal to k*ll a baby after it is born.”

    SM: “(total count is currently at 8.)”You lie again. No babies are executed after birth. Total count babies executed after birth is currently at ZERO.

    SM: “Davis said, " there is no state in this country where it is legal to kill a baby after it’s born." WRONG. MSN says so. Walz signed a bill in 2023 that allows physicians to refuse life saving care to infants born after failed abortions."Lie. You are lying about what the bill exactly says. Regardless, it’s illegal to kill babies. Doctors do not execute babies. Trump is lying.

    Glad I could educate you to the true facts, Sportymonk. But given how you lied, you’ve shown us all that there’s no point in having a credible debate on the facts with you.

  7. 4 months ago on Pearls Before Swine

    “…the moderators challenge him about 12 times – and didn’t correct Harris once.”That’s because if they don’t egregiously lie, they don’t get corrected. When Trump egregiously lied, he got corrected. Harris didn’t egregiously lie, therefore she didn’t need to be corrected- as normal non-biased, educated people can see.

    “The female moderator who challenged Trump about his ‘late term abortion’ statement… has been proven wrong.”You are lying. Twice. It wasn’t “late term abortion”, it was “executing babies”. And she wasn’t proven wrong.

    “When asked if she would support such a thing, Harris refused to answer.”You’re lying again. She answered that it’s between a woman and her doctor.

    “ABC and David Muir have already admitted that they went into the debate with and agenda of making Trump look bad.”

    And you’re lying again. You can’t prove they said that. Defend the four lies you stated above/ prove that they are true, with facts and links… or you accept that you are a lying liar.

  8. 4 months ago on Pearls Before Swine

    People here are showing how you are failing miserably. “Even Harris called him racist in the debates“And she proved it. You must be racist to be blind to Trump’s racism. Cosmik Cowboy proved it above. Also, Trump’s racist birther attacks on Obama. Even now, Trump is attacking Black Haitian immigrants in Springfield with lies, inciting violence, death threats, b*mb threats. Trump is a terrorist against Americans.Which shows that Trump and Trump supporters are racist AND anti-American (and they like when women are r*ped).Your turn, ILK: Trump was fact checked in the debate. (When Trump talked about how doctors are executing babies and Haitians are eating cats and dogs). Defend Trump’s lies/prove he was right. If you don’t or can’t, that means that you accept that Trump lied as well as you accept Trump’s racism.

  9. 4 months ago on Pearls Before Swine

    No kidding about that cult. Their leader is a r*pist, a racist, a Hitler-quoting, anti-American insurrectionist who inspired his followers to attack America/ the Capitol and to kill his vice president, and thinks the military/ vets are suckers and losers. And his cult is voting for him because they share his morals and those same beliefs.

  10. 5 months ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Ha ha ha. JoeS, Guy, sunkatt and I are laughing AT you, not WITH you, because we and others have repeatedly countered your lies and proved you wrong, and you still spout off the same lies. You’re not just disingenuous, you’re a habitual liar. And no one here who is credible believes your lies. See how alone you are? Just remember, by supporting Trump you are showing us that you are a racist, bigot, fascist, anti-American domestic terrorist… because those are Trump’s morals. And your morals align with his by you supporting him.