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  1. 9 days ago on Luann

    Cool. Thx for suggestion. I bookmarked it by my Luann and Pearls for Swine, and will check it for a few days to see. Looks cute.

  2. 9 days ago on Luann

    Awww… Yeah, over exaggerated, but good conveying what Toni would think, and cute. Unexpected guest artist makes it. I wonder if there’s more. Brad imagines (in Foxtrot type art) Shannon helping him work on a car, handing him tools. Luann imagines (in Calvin and Hobbes type art) playing frisbee w/Shannon. Nancy and Frank imagine (in For Better or Worse type art) hand in hand w/Shannon at Disneyland. Nah… Too silly.

  3. 4 months ago on Luann

    Yep. And The Honeymooners show had the same number of episodes. And the candles on the birthday cake show the same number, but in Roman numerals. The others, I’m not too sure how they get to that same number. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

  4. 6 months ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Exactly! My grandparents, a product of how things were in their day, were racist. I saw that, knowing it was wrong. So I brought up my kids to not be racist. And like you said, a lot of people at the time were anti-LGBTQIA+. It’s “just the way it was” for the haters, but I realized that, too, was wrong, so I also brought my kids up to not be anti-gay bigots.

  5. 6 months ago on Pearls Before Swine

    That’s because previous generations were “asleep”, accepting of gay/ interracial marriage bans, segregation, women not voting, etc. And the next generation (who did read history and learned from it), pointed out how those were wrong. Nothing wrong or stigmatized with that. Each generation gets more information than the previous one had and makes decisions based on being better educated in the matter. That’s also why we don’t use asbestos, or smoke as much, or use leeches as medicine, or think the world is flat.

  6. 6 months ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Hey Bilan, what Joe said. Plus- Woke means to be alert to injustice and discrimination in society, esp racism, sexism, and denial of LGBTQIA+ rights (and to be against it, ovb). Which means that people who are against Woke are in favor of racism, sexism, and anti-LGBTQIA+ bigotry. Also, to use the word Woke as a pejorative is similar to using a racial slur.

    I hope that helps.

    I get that people may want to say it means something else, but that’s a silly excuse for them to try to cover up their racism/ sexism/ bigotry. No one can credibly pretend that they get to change the definition of a word because they don’t like the actual dictionary definition of that word.
  7. 9 months ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Correct. The Republican/ conservative supremes who are mired in the bribery or free vacation/ house buying or whatever scandals. No wonder people are saying that the Supreme Court is corrupt/ illegitimate because of those on the right.

  8. 10 months ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Yeah, when the jury found him liable of sexual abuse, I read that the judge later clarified that Trump did rape Carroll. And Trump and his policies are also racist, bigoted, anti-womens’ freedom, fascist, anti-Military, anti-Veteran, pro-terrorism against America, anti-American/pro-Russia. And people who vote for Trump and/or the Republican Party that supports him and his policies…They show us that they also are racist, fascist, anti-American, etc, as well. Because those are the policies of the person/party that they vote for.

  9. 11 months ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Wow. You used a lot of words to reiterate how you are an A-hole jerk D-bag who thinks so little of the sacrifices of the police officers on J6. You “claim” your daddy’s an officer- kind of like how when a racist is confronted with his racism, he goes, I have a black friend. So have fun living with yourself, knowing that you trivialize the deaths of our hero cops of J6. You showed us you’re a D-bag… and I believe you.

  10. 11 months ago on Pearls Before Swine

    “that’s how I apparently look to you. Two other people here also said…”Oh. So now you’re making it a numbers game. Okay- 22 people liked my first comment way above, but only 1 liked your rebuttal to it. Adding- My 23 is greater than your 3. I win. “Two scenarios that you made up that didn’t happen”Based on your penchant for honesty and facts here, that’s how you’d respond to those scenarios- if you were honest and not hypocritical. “And there you go proving Godwin’s Law by invoking Hitler.”If I responded to this like you do, it’d go something like this- Wahhh! You used a wrong word! It’s not “Invoking”! It’s “Comparing”! Wahh! I didn’t “compare” you to Hitler… I made a historical reference about what happened in WWII! -See how silly you’d look? That’s why I won’t do it. “But, as you want to go there, now you’re “minimizing” things.”Oh, if only you had the reading retention skills of a sixth grader. In my scenario, it wasn’t “I” who minimized things. It was as you would respond factually to another person’s statement. So if you think that it’s minimized, then you think that “You” are minimizing it. And you just fact-checked yourself/your style. “And there you go basically calling me a D-bag…”Look. If you’re going to show us what a D-bag you are by making excuses for how cops died in a more unimportant way, I’ll believe you. Because when you show me what you are, I believe you the first time. “I did not “trivialize” anybody’s deaths”Sure you did. When you tried to downplay the severity of cops’ deaths. When you tried to minimize the role that the J6 terrorists had in their deaths. And while you’re comfortable understating the loss of life of our heroic police officers, When it comes to the J6 terrorist attack to stop the election to overthrow the government, you bet I have no problem overstating that they they committed murder when the cops they attacked, died.