Nancy has a busy household today. Luann is home, Frank is home, Bernice is probably around and the dog is there – WHY would she lay down on the couch in the middle of the house to take a nap?? I don’t get it.
It’s amazing how G&K start out so good with stories (sometimes) and then let them sputter and wheeze to an long overdue death. Reminds me of my old Valiant.
Time to end this arc and put it out of it’s misery.
Is Steffanie rude to other girls who lust after her boyfriend? Yes. Is Steffanie in love with Kip? Yes. I don’t get how people jump to the conclusion that her feelings aren’t real. Kip and Steffanie didn’t just meet up last week and decide to start banging the headboard. They’ve been together for awhile. They have history. And Tiffany, well Tiffany is just a big ol hore who likes to mess up other people’s lives and then fix them.
But that would mean they aren’t the rude people they are.