
MomOfTheAsylum Free

Momma to 15 (2 furless kids, 1 giant fluffmutt, 8 shell-claw combos, and 4 furballs that know they own me) plus any additional kids that happen to wander in to The Asylum!!

Recent Comments

  1. 2 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    Kaylin, I’m with all the others who are completely in the dark about what happened yesterday, and I have zero need to know. However, I cannot express how much I respect you for having the strength and courage to admit that you made a mistake and apologize. So few people can push back their pride to take that objective look in the mirror. We need more people like you in the world! Stay strong, because when you’re not looking, love finds you. Sometimes it’s a two-legger and sometimes it’s a fuzzball with a heart of gold and a purr that’s a hundred times bigger than the kitty. We never truly know what we need to mend our spirits until something helps us heal. But you will heal. In the meantime, you’ve just found yourself a community of the most kind-hearted and supportive folks you could ever want!! Sending you lots of healing purrs and wishing you a cozy spot in a warm sunbeam.

  2. 5 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    We found that using only RO (reverse osmosis) water for our pets took bladder and kidney issues from common to rare. We’re in coal country, so that means super hard water. Most people here use softeners but we’ve skipped the slimy, chemical treated option and gone to filtering. In addition to a regular white tube filter to get the iron and heavy stuff out, we use a very small 5-filter, under-sink RO unit for any water that we’ll consume, including our cold and ice on the fridge. Not only do we have amazing water with no chemicals and no nasty taste, but this removes any minerals and microscopic creepy crawlies that could cause bladder stones or kidney problems. Of course, age-related kidney disease can’t be prevented. But a healthy diet and water that’s free of any added minerals or other garbage “to enhance flavor” can make a huge difference!

  3. 5 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    I think I speak for all of us when I say, WHEW!!!

    That being said, “Always wear the donut” needs to end up on some merch asap!

  4. 5 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    I truly hope that this story line isn’t Georgia’s way of gently telling us that she doesn’t want to be a cartoonist anymore!!

  5. 5 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    Yay!!! Now I’ll be like a kid waiting for Christmas for the next few months!

  6. 5 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    Yes!! The “put it away for good” attitude was REALLY big in my family as well. I guess being a bunch of immigrant rail and coal workers and living through the depression created a bit of paranoia for the older generation. That passed down to every generation since.

  7. 5 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    I never realized that Replacements had a physical place that one could visit. I need to look into this asap. Though I hope my husband doesn’t catch wind of me gaining this little piece off information. That could seriously stifle my china “rescuing” habit!!

  8. 5 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    @GSD Mom, I’m so sorry to hear that you lost something so precious. I grew up in a family of packrats who all put a LOT of emotional attachment to items that remind us of special people or moments in our lives. The pain when something like that is broken is REAL!!

  9. 5 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    I very fondly remember the S&H greenstamps from our local grocery and going to the shop with our books to pick out new items. I still have my textured globe that we got there back in probably 1980. I’m certain that there are quite a few more items floating around here that came from there, as I apparently am the family’s designated packrat. I guess that’s the danger of living in the “big not-pink house”!

    My mother has recently insisted on using her old brown flower pattern Correlle from the 70s. (I’m talking full place settings to feed an army!) I personally think they’re the ugliest dishes ever, but there’s no denying that they are far sturdier and store way smaller than any new plates. We also have tons of my grandmother’s and great grandmother’s painted serving bowls, china, baking dishes, etc. Then my mother-in-law passed to us her grandmother’s china pieces that she collected from all over the world. Most of those stay in the china pantry or in a curio, but some still get lovingly used.

    Our own wedding china sits completely unused while we spread our holiday tables with old family pieces and antique china that I have saved from Goodwill and such. I am a firm believer in cherishing family history but also in using and enjoying the things from the past. As I’m quickly becoming one of those “things”, I can REALLY appreciate the beauty, durability, and uniqueness of the antiques.