Screenshot 2019.09.21 22 32 26

Aungs Free

Oh man ur checking my profile u creep, must have nothing else to do but to check a random person's bio. JK I also check random people's bio have a nice day: ). Also you may be wondering do I read all the comics I follow? No heck no way to much to read I use to but now time has slipped and only occasionally read them all. But I will tell you I do read the following comics everyday: Fowl language, Big Nate, Garfield, WuMo, Shen comix, and cats cafe.

Recent Comments

  1. 6 months ago on Lio

    It’s been a while! I haven’t used GoComics in years and all of a sudden I got a random urge to check out my account. Glad I didn’t leaving you hanging for a year! Life has been ok, I think I’ll stick around on GoComics for some time catching up on everything. How goes the trip through the Time Machine?

  2. over 2 years ago on Lio

    haha yeah, 18 months kind of just flew by should’ve wished you 2 happy thanksgivings, Christmases, and new Years! Thanks! For this upcoming year I’ll defiantly be the best version of myself, so long see you in three months…or one year depending if this time machine doesn’t break down.

  3. over 2 years ago on Lio

    Life has been pretty great(I think our last encounter was 18 months rather than 12 months) a lot of things have improved and many new things that I never thought would happen, happened. I do sometimes beat myself up for the mistakes I made throughout our last encounter and well…I still am paying the price for it. I know I can’t change the past and I’m working hard to change my future. How was your past year?

  4. almost 3 years ago on Lio

    greetings from the future took me over a year to respond! Anyways by the looks of it life has been better than the last time we spoke.

  5. over 3 years ago on Garfield

    Free mosquito remover

  6. almost 4 years ago on Big Nate

    bro this dude keeps on coming back….

  7. almost 4 years ago on Half Full


  8. almost 4 years ago on Big Nate

    yup but it will go down due to mods deleting comments so by next week this strip should only have like 300-500 comments

  9. almost 4 years ago on Big Nate

    np if you do make one be sure to invite me :)

  10. almost 4 years ago on Big Nate

    no offense but the two hideouts thing sounds very banable, it looks very fun and I would like to join GROSS myself it looks fun just chatting and hanging out but if the mods find out there most likely gonna delete them. Why not make a discord server instead and chat all you want there?