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  1. 19 days ago on Rip Haywire

    My God. Has it really been that long since last I dropped in on Rip and his misadventures? I kept winding the calendar back but it gave up in December, 2009.

    The last thing I remember was profusely apologizing to DanT for admittedly over the top remarks I made about a Brainzo plot line.

    Again, DanT, I apologize. Perhaps you have forgotten the mean things I typed, but I have not. Some things we are doomed to carry about for the rest of our lives. Isn’t it ironic that the ugliest parts of our history are the ones we can’t forget?

    On a more cheerful note, I am glad to see the strip prospering and may I wish you all the best going forward! Myself, I now am a provider of “Dad” jokes. I’m not saying they are “good” jokes, but merely “Dad” jokes. Still, I consider the day a win if I have made one stranger smile.

    Why do ducks have tail feathers?

    So people can’t see their butt quacks!

  2. 19 days ago on Rip Haywire

    My God. Has it really been that long since last I dropped in on Rip and his misadventures? I kept winding the calendar back but it gave up in December, 2009. The last thing I remember was profusely apologizing to DanT for admittedly over the top remarks I made about a Brainzo plot line.

    Again, DanT, I apologize. Perhaps you have forgotten the mean things I typed, but I have not. Some things we are doomed to carry about for the rest of our lives. Isn’t it ironic that the ugliest parts of our history are the ones we can’t forget?

    On a more cheerful note, I am glad to see the strip prospering and may I wish you all the best going forward! Myself, I now am a provider of “Dad” jokes. I’m not saying they are “good” jokes, but merely “Dad” jokes. Still, I consider the day a win if I have made one stranger smile.

    Why do ducks have tail feathers?

    So people can’t see their butt quacks!

  3. 2 months ago on Rip Haywire

    Howdy folks! Long time no see!

    I have no idea what is going on in the strip at present, however, today’s strip makes me think that the suffering guy could use a bowl of hot soup. Myself, I would give him a deep bowl of peas slow simmered in chicken broth along with diced ham, minced onion, carrot, celery (including the leaves!), and a clove of crushed garlic.

    Oh, and a grilled (not toasted) cheese sandwich to dunk in the soup.

    What would the rest of you cook up for this guy?

  4. 4 months ago on Rip Haywire

    Ka-Awesome DanT!!!! Here’s to another amazing 15 years!

  5. almost 2 years ago on Rip Haywire

    I keep clinging to my increasingly tenuous hope that this all turns out to be a Brainzo misadventure. Then we can get back to real people having real adventures with lots of snappy repartee.

  6. almost 2 years ago on Rip Haywire

    I was thinking of the baby suit she designed that could withstand a temperature of over 1000 degrees. It was also machine washable! That fabric would be perfect for Haywire clothes.


  7. almost 2 years ago on Rip Haywire

    Maybe he picked up a pair of Edna “E” Mode slacks somewhere?

  8. almost 2 years ago on Rip Haywire

    Actually, I’d be thinking of S’mores!

  9. almost 2 years ago on Rip Haywire

    Good catch there, R.J.! Let’s keep Ms. Blake on the family friendly side of the strip!

    Although, given a look at this weirdo’s mug, I could easily forgive her coloring outside the lines!

  10. almost 2 years ago on Rip Haywire

    What I am curious to hear is how a case of spontaneous combustion can become murder.

    The term “murder” presupposes a killer and a victim.

    The phrase “spontaneous combustion” presupposes something catching fire by itself.

    In a case of “spontaneous combustion,” where is there room for both a killer and a victim?