
SylviSterling Free

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  1. almost 2 years ago on Andy Capp

    Sorry I havenā€™t been around as muchā€¦ life is busy! Iā€™ll be a lot scarcer in future, but never fearā€¦ Iā€™m doing fine!

    Love to yā€™all!

  2. almost 2 years ago on Red and Rover

    Ooh that sounded awfulā€¦ let me dissect the term with my Medical Terminologyā€¦Capnocytophaga canimorsus, immunocompetent, purpura fulminans, sepsis Capno- Unknown, I can look it up, but I think itā€™s a determinerCyto cellsphagia eating, Cytophagia means an organism that devours or destroys cellular structures.Cani- pertaining to dogsmorsus Unknown, possibly meaning fatal?Immuno petaining to the immune system. Circling back to the first part, ā€˜cytophageā€™ is the term for white blood cells, the defenders of the body. Puroura a violet colored rashfulminans ā€“ fulminating, or emitting quantities of pus. Sepsis ā€“ poisoning. So basically an infection with organisms which cause swelling, tissue death, pus discharge and poisoning or necrosis.

  3. about 2 years ago on Luann Againn

    Smells like Teen Spirit!

  4. about 2 years ago on Andy Capp

    Clasp and screwback then. Pierced now. :)

  5. about 2 years ago on Luann

    Well, reaction depends on if the elided letter between ā€˜shā€™ and ā€˜ttā€™ is supposed to be an ā€˜oā€™ā€¦ or a second ā€˜iā€™!

  6. about 2 years ago on Luann

    Walter White?

  7. about 2 years ago on FoxTrot Classics

    on his chest?

  8. about 2 years ago on Bloom County

    Except that the Angry Creamsicle is certain the law revolves around HIM!

  9. about 2 years ago on Andy Capp

    Well, at age 70, I can boast! You seeā€¦ I can STILL wear the same earrings I wore in high school!!

  10. about 2 years ago on Red and Rover

    I remember when I was at Guide Dogs For The Blind in San Rafael, we were being taught how to relieve our dogs, and find the leavings to pick them up. The dogs were used to having someone run a hand down their backs as they relieved themselves. if the spine was straight, the dog was peeing. No further action needed. If the spine was curved, you would then follow the line down the tail to the ground (WITH a plastic bag over your hand!) and you could find the ā€˜dog bombā€™ and pick it up, inverting the bag over it and tying it closed. No muss, no fuss. The students who were returning for second or third dogs, tried to tell us newbies that we had to carry rolls of toilet paper to wipe afterward! ā€œThese are special dogs! Donā€™t you know we need to keep them clean?ā€I didnā€™t fall for it, because I already knew people who owned Guide Dogs! Still, it was truly funny to hear others say ā€œWhat? we have toā€¦ Oh NOOOOO!ā€