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Recent Comments

  1. 6 days ago on Breaking Cat News


  2. about 1 month ago on Breaking Cat News

    Cats are on the counter, lol

  3. about 1 month ago on Breaking Cat News

    That’s right, thanks for the reminder.

  4. about 2 months ago on Breaking Cat News


  5. about 2 months ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Bravo, Rat! Throw them all off the cliff.

  6. about 2 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    I can’t wait for this to end

  7. 2 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    Go, Sophie!

  8. 2 months ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Me too

  9. 2 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    Priscilla! I don’t know how they can treat an animal that way especially a cat! Everybody needs to get out of that horrible house and back to the sane world!

  10. 2 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    Go Mice! Time to bust them out!