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Sometimes the truth hurts.
Great … Thanks?
Maybe they can’t vote him off the island until he’s 18 … but they can restrict what he has, what he’s able to do, and where he can go.
How was it? … … GOOD … GOOD … good …
Sorry … she looked exactly like my wife.
Great! Just great! Because of his therapist’s suggestion, everyone else has to find new ways of dealing with the new ways he expresses his anger.
Whew! They just missed the power lines and telephone lines —
— that was a clothes call.
Why buy through a middleman when you can get the milk straight from the cow?
It’s really annoying when it seems like the fire alarm keeps going off.
How can you get any rest around here with the alarm always going off?
They may need to check with the cartoonist. It could be that this is a result of the cartoonist observing National Goof Off Day.
Sometimes the truth hurts.