
Pony99CA Free

Computer guy living in California. I've been on this site for years now, so I'm not a newbie. :-)

Recent Comments

  1. about 1 hour ago on B.C.

    There’s nothing wrong with using technology as it was intended. :-)

  2. about 1 hour ago on B.C.

    I made a little money in my freshman computer science class by selling my programs to other students. I made sure to tell them to change the comments and variable names. :-)

  3. about 1 hour ago on B.C.

    That sounds similar to Asimov’s “The Feeling of Power”, but that didn’t involve children.

    Source: Https://en.wikipedia.Org/wiki/The_Feeling_of_Power

  4. about 1 hour ago on B.C.

    I like how people use a highlighter on significant passages in text books. That only works out if you have an open book test.

    Not really. It supposedly also helps when going back and studying for mid-terms or finals. You’ll see the highlighted parts and be reminded of the key points.

    I say “supposedly” because I never highlighted a book. I hate defacing books, even if I did buy them, and never liked getting a book with highlighting already in it.

    I believe I loaned a book of mine to somebody who did highlight it. I was not happy when I got it back and saw that.

    Plus, I didn’t really need highlighting; my memory was pretty good.

    In my 9th grade geometry class, I used the numbers of the theorems in the book, not the names (like “Supplements of Congruent Angles are Congruent”, or SCAC). My teacher said I could do that, but if I ever got a number wrong, she would consider that incorrect. I don’t believe I ever lost credit for using a wrong number.

    In my college sophomore differential equations class, I took about two pages of notes (one sheet, front and back) and got an A in the class.

    I probably still remember a fair amount of geometry, but I doubt I could solve a differential equation (even a simple one). I can still differentiate and integrate polynomials, though. :-)

  5. about 1 hour ago on B.C.

    We used to get spelling/vocabulary tests in 8th or 9th grade. One student once mentioned that, when he didn’t know the word, he would write “You’re not reading this.”

    He says he got away with it for a while until, one time, he got the paper back with a note saying “You can’t fool me.”

    I don’t know if he kept doing that afterward.

  6. about 1 hour ago on Frank and Ernest

    Maybe they should play “Forks” now?

  7. about 1 hour ago on Frank and Ernest

    I had heard of the Dead Man’s Hand before, but never researched it. Wild Bill (whose name wasn’t actually Bill; it was James Butler Hickock) apparently wasn’t shot because of that hand; he just happened to be holding those cards when he was shot by Jack McCall.

    Source: Https://en.wikipedia.Org/wiki/Wild_Bill_Hickok#Death

    He certainly lived an “interesting” life, though.

  8. about 2 hours ago on Frank and Ernest

    Ernie does look flushed.

  9. about 2 hours ago on Ziggy

    The red and white are flipped upside down from the real can.

    As noted in the fourth comment. ;-)

  10. about 2 hours ago on Ziggy

    If they were worried (or he; I think the original is dead), they probably wouldn’t have used the Campbell’s name.

    As for the color scheme, I didn’t notice it. I’m a nitpicker, but I don’t generally nitpick the comics too much. ;-)