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99.99% of the time it’s simple. People like you, in an attempt to push their sick agenda, amplify the 0.01% to grossly unrealistic values, and then claim that “gender” is so complex. Ridiculous.
Extremely rare, and has nothing to do with the “gender dysphoria” craze sweeping our middle schools.
XY – maleXX – female
It’s really not complicated.
LOL, GoComics won’t let me type the cartoonist’s name, turns out it’s slang for an anatomical region unique to dudes.
Obviously it worked.
Ronnie heard a noise? Or Benjamin? Gotta whip the editor into shape here….
With four leaf clovers! And pink hearts!
They both got the “dunce cap” treatment for failing the test. It’s not about cheating.
Well she didn’t get caught did she? Just flunked the test the same as her school chum.
That looks NOTHING like Winston Churchill!
99.99% of the time it’s simple. People like you, in an attempt to push their sick agenda, amplify the 0.01% to grossly unrealistic values, and then claim that “gender” is so complex. Ridiculous.