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  1. over 4 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    I’ve been reading all of this about whether raccoons can climb or not, well, they can and they do it very well. In fact, they could be acrobats in the circus! We have a metal gazebo frame in our backyard and I’ve seen raccoons up on this framework in the dead of night pulling down the birdfeeders, hanging upside down like they were on a trapeze to eat out of the birdfeeder. I’ve seen them climb up the side of the little table that has seed for the birds. I have seen them cling to the framework of the fence side and drink all of the hummingbird solution out of the feeder. For three nights, they came and drank from the feeders. I’m sure they had a sugar high followed by a real hangover. I didn’t see them for weeks afterwards. I refer to them as obnoxious opportunists. They are not the cute, cuddly characters in Disney cartoons and they can be dangerous. Our friends in CA lost their Maine Coon to several raccoons. But, they are part of the natural world and I would never dream of harming them. I give them the respect and distance due to them. I just wish they would leave some of the seed for the birds and not drink all the nectar! :)

  2. over 5 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    Ok, I feel like we are suddenly in our backyard with our crew of skunks, raccoons, possums and others. Be careful Beatrix! Those raccoons can play rough!