Hammurabi costume

Hammurabi.Wolfe Free

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  1. about 4 hours ago on Pearls Before Swine

    There are no “god(s)” or big imaginary sky daddies that grant wishes if you are very good a pray to the sky hard enough. Time to grow the f*ck up and to stop believing in moldy old bronze age fairytales in the 21st century. Christians are just idiots.

  2. 4 days ago on Over the Hedge

    Well reading history I am sure that it has to do with the actual constitutional role of the Supreme court. The constitution does not allow give the court the power of judicial review and allow the court to declare a law or executive action in violation of the constitution. The court gave itself this power in 1803 with the case of Marbury v. Madison.

  3. 6 days ago on Over the Hedge

    and you are an intellectually challenged uneducated red neck white trash racist fascist, who is not only a sham of an example of an actual human being, but is also a complete failure at anything that you ever tried to accomplish which is why you haunt these pages, daily making a complete a$$ out of yourself, while demonstrating what miserable little rolls of human excrement, your average MAGA republican is in reality. Pray you never meat me in person because I will hurt you very badly and enjoy every second of it. I always punch Nazis, repeatedly and without warning.

  4. 6 days ago on Over the Hedge

    Well we can see that you have never taken an advanced science class in your life. To begin with the refrigerator has to constantly perform adiabatic pressure/volume work in order for the freezer and refrigerator compartments to remain at the proper temperature. Every time you open the door the temperature rises and must be cooled. Secondly, describe what you mean by ice. All molecules have translational, rotational, and vibrational energy and that remains true in an ice. Talking specifically about water Ice, there are 21 phases of ice were some are crystalline and other are amorphous. Each phase has different degrees of freedom and thus different energy types and levels. Since anything above 0 degrees K have translational and/or vibrational motion it is very clear that Ice has more energy in it than just the translational energy that the liquid water lost to form that Ice phase. So in summary, keep your mouth closed when it comes to Science until such time that you earn a Science PhD like mine. I am a PhD Chemist, and by definition, I am the expect.

  5. 10 days ago on Bully

    I thought they ended this strip a couple of years ago.

  6. 10 days ago on Endtown

    Well we know “mutations” were “randomly” occurring for sometime before Armageddon happened. So Professor mallard had been constructing Endtown for sometime. He had a plan for who he wanted in Endtown which is how Holly and her father-in-law got in before the masses. I always assumed that Mallard had brought in the rats while he was building the place.

  7. 11 days ago on Endtown

    Just Remember that Professor Mallard put the Rats in charge of security for a reason. my personal opinion is, we’re about to see another example of just why that was.

  8. 11 days ago on Endtown

    You will and you will love it like we did back then. Besides, it far past time we learn just what Professor Mallard has been doing.

  9. 11 days ago on Endtown

    It wasn’t just Flask’s death, it was her downfall as well as Wally’s entrance into Endtown. The Rats messed with hard, then the whole “Milk Three” fiasco. I will readily admit that I became engrossed into this story at the very beginning. Heck, I remember when we received two to three new strips a week. Now that tells you how long I have been following this.

  10. 11 days ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    Talk about nailing the Republican-light neoliberal corporate owned democrats to the wall. That cartoon perfectly summarized why I left Democrats 15 years ago and became a Green. The Democrats are not on the left. They are in reality a center right party. anyone who thinks different is delusional and you only have to look at Biden’s, Obama’s and Clinton’s record to prove my point.