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  1. 11 months ago on AJ and Magnus

    … Do you not know who Caitlyn Jenner is? You can look her up on Wikipedia.

  2. 11 months ago on AJ and Magnus

    They’re Roz and Rochelle. They’ve been recurring characters for years now.

  3. over 1 year ago on AJ and Magnus

    My fiance used to work in an estate-and-trust law firm and selling a house you don’t own is a fairly common form of fraud/theft.

    Given the Parkers’ luck, I’m sure it’s something like she was a co-signatory on the home loan or something and is using that to claim ownership. No idea how the actual legalities of such a thing work, honestly. But I’m just guessing it’s not going to be as simple as a cut-and-dried attempt at fraud.

    Heck, the loan is probably in her name outright. Because the Parkers really can’t have nice things.

  4. over 1 year ago on AJ and Magnus

    Not where I thought this was going. I was assuming Dollar Store Loki was a lawyer and she was trying to get custody of AJ by claiming Alex and John aren’t fit parents.

  5. about 2 years ago on AJ and Magnus

    Is this the first we’ve seen of AJ’s romantic inclinations?

  6. about 2 years ago on AJ and Magnus

    Nah, she just realized she didn’t have an actual answer for “you let a stranger into our house” and “what kind of example is that?” so she tried to “win” the argument by being hurtful instead. Not saying she doesn’t on some level agree with what she’s saying, but I think if she were actually passionate about this sort of thing, she’d never have agreed to babysit in the first place. Not that that would make it any better, but I just don’t think this was some well-planned trap on her part; just spontaneous a-holery.

  7. over 2 years ago on AJ and Magnus

    I wonder if this will lead to a “the birds and the bees” talk?

  8. over 2 years ago on AJ and Magnus

    I do hope they thought to put down a towel.

  9. over 2 years ago on AJ and Magnus

    Assuming the numbers on the ends of their email addresses are their birth years, I didn’t realize there was that big an age difference between them.

  10. over 3 years ago on AJ and Magnus

    If Loca’s birth mom and stepdad notice at all, it’ll be because they’ve suddenly changed their minds and are swooping in to take her back… whether she wants to go or not.