Sorry, but you can tell he’s already done some cutting which means he can’t put it back on. She’s going to have some bangs, fullness there and wisps there. She needs to have him finish what he’s started. Then if she still doesn’t like it, she’ll need to grow it all back. I know how that goes as a friend of mine did a lousy job on my last hair cut & I’m still trying to grow it back out so I can have it recut by a professional.
Elly uses her ‘lean against me tree’ to cure her of any depression or problems. Maybe Lis needs to find something like that to help her out of her depression.
Whenever you own your own business, it’s a given that it’s the most important thing you have which requires you to be there at all times of day, 7 days a week. Because if you’re not your income will disappear.
Regular gas here cost about $5.94 a gallon still. Even though I don’t have a car or drive anymore, I still keep track of the gas prices here in California. It’s just to expensive to drive here. Thankfully, I can still get groceries delivered. I do a lot of ‘on-line’ shopping now.
No such thing as a catproof cabinet, door or drawer. They have a very quick paw at getting into whatever they want. I should know at one time I had 9 cats who loved to hid in such places.
Thank God it doesn’t snow like that here in the valley. These idiots out here wouldn’t know how to drive in 1/2 inch of snow, much less a good amount of 3 to 4 inches.
It snowed here in elevations above 5500 ft here in California. I think we might get more snow this year then last year. The snow was over 20 feet deep in spots up there last year.
I just wish my parakeet would use the little yellow bird bath that I bought him. He’ll drink from it but won’t bathe in it.