
TerriW1 Free

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  1. 4 days ago on Pickles

    I had reddish-brown hair when I was in my 20’s then I became very ill and within a week my hair turn grey.

  2. 7 days ago on Flo and Friends

    The same here. I’ve got 2 note books with my passwords.

  3. 7 days ago on For Better or For Worse

    I like to actually write sci-fi. I’m working on one now where it combines different ages of time. The main character is trying to correct the errors within certain time zones so that life will continue. It’s been kind of tricky to do because I sort of have to find some errors or things that people do wrong that changes the time events that are real. I got the idea from a Star Trek episode.

  4. 13 days ago on Rose is Rose

    I usually had 2 on my lap…one for each thigh. I also had one wrapped around my neck which was nice & warm in the winter. But I hated the hair they’d left behind.

  5. 15 days ago on Rose is Rose

    I had a few that were that way. They’d push each other off my lap & legs to get a spot.

  6. 19 days ago on Pickles

    The problem with being sick & single is it’s all left up to you to get up to get a drink or something to eat or to complain or whine to on how bad you feel.

  7. 19 days ago on Flo and Friends

    It’s from Green Acers, an old TV show with Zaza Gabor and Eddie Albert. Their worker had the 2 brothers named Daryl & Daryl.

  8. 22 days ago on Rose is Rose

    They are on her feet instead.

  9. 24 days ago on For Better or For Worse

    My scholarship included my living on campus & had a job already.

  10. 25 days ago on Flo and Friends

    It’s the same in the USA. Buy one get one free.