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  1. 2 months ago on Doonesbury

    Long time ago I worked in the bush in MT, and never had any issue in a 2WD Chevy pickup. Next summer I had a 4 WD, and I thought I was bullet proof – to my chagrin. Within a week I spent half the day digging the 4WD out, where I would have walked the previous summer.

  2. 2 months ago on Doonesbury

    20 yrs ago we had to return a rental to SFO from Reno, and I-70 required chains due to heavy snow the night before. $70 to buy, but we had to make our flight. When we reached the checkpoint, the guy in the SUV in front of us was arguing with the officer, and I could imagine that he said that he is bullet proof… In a moment of perfect retribution, only 1-2 miles later he was deep in the snow-filled ditch, rear-end first. I heard that patrolling wreckers charged $300+ to pull cars out.

  3. over 2 years ago on Doonesbury

    When I was in college, we geology majors had an intramural mixed volleyball team, whose name was (and I am not making this up): Are You Cummingtonite, or the Plutonic Affair. We did OK, but did not win the tournament.

  4. over 2 years ago on Doonesbury

    When I was in college, we geology majors had an intramural mixed volleyball team, whose name was (and I am not making this up): Are You Cummingtonite, or the Plutonic Affair. We did OK, but did not win the tournament.

  5. over 5 years ago on Doonesbury

    Hmm, comments may derive from a bit of ignorance about geologists. We discover the mineral resources on which society depends (metals and other elements in an iPhone? …62).