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  1. over 4 years ago on Endtown

    if you are using adblock ‘annoyance list’ that may block the cookies or bits it needs..yes, adblock is bad for monetization, BUT other rude, xxx rated sites use the same goggle plugin… I want to keep my viewing clean thanks..

  2. over 4 years ago on Endtown

    er, light is VERY fast.. so it is NOT complete standstill.. and an object moving 1000 Km/sec would still be 300 times slower… look up at an airplane, it would seem stationary..yet if you looked again in 5 mins, you would see it had moved..

  3. over 4 years ago on Endtown

    and of course, its not ‘just simple plastic stuff’..

  4. over 4 years ago on Endtown

    and if look further (the X in the eye may give you a clue)it is not a that.. :P

  5. almost 5 years ago on Endtown

    irfanview ‘enhance colors’ will do it :)

  6. almost 5 years ago on Endtown

    but… https://www.theverge.com/2020/5/16/21260104/facebook-giphy-acquisition-twitter-slack-snapchat-apple-imessage-signal-facebook-tinder

  7. almost 5 years ago on Endtown

    Cheapskate0…er, NO, no relation!!! HIV aids is ONLY spread by blood.. and unprotected sex.. you know that the internals of sex organs are very close to blood vessels???

  8. about 5 years ago on Endtown

    Its most likely the suit enlarges , and is hermetically sealed to another suit, that the child grows up in.. I am sure you know how ‘isolation chambers’ work.. :)

  9. about 5 years ago on Endtown

    its the same as saying american, british, french…