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  1. almost 2 years ago on Luann

    Is Bernice a wet blanket with EVERYTHING.

  2. almost 2 years ago on Luann

    This is Nil … the guy who goes outside the box with his art ….

    Why does Mona smile ….

    What if he drew just her hands with an engagement ring on it.

  3. almost 2 years ago on Luann

    Same song, different dance. Is Piro interested in Bernice or does he consider her a friend who helped him when everyone else walked out. This is Greg, so I say the latter … but the buildup will be how Bernice thinks its a romantic meeting and Piro to thank her for being a friend.

    I am sure they will meet for coffee at The Fuze, since there are no other stores in Pitts. Where Tiffany will see them together, who then will meet Nil at Mooney in their new/now/never seen before shared aerobics class.

  4. almost 2 years ago on Luann

    With friends like these who needs enemies.

    If Luann just wanted to read the letter, she would have already done so. Luann needs to grow up and treat her BFF like the stranger she now is. Bern quit being the BFF to Luann for a while.

    As for the letter: Bernice, do you still have my scarf? I need it back. Thanks – Piro.

    Whatever is in the letter won’t be romantic … I think that is one thing we all agree on. I do hope that once Bern does read it (alone) she will realize she has no one she can talk to about the letter, her disappointment or excitement ( well, maybe Nancy ). Either that and she goes to talk to Luann, knocks on her door and as she is trying to talk to her, Luann just closes the door.

    At the very least, this will give Luann something to write about in her class, she now has sorrow and family drama ….

  5. almost 3 years ago on Luann

    If only Nancy cared this much for her daughter.

  6. almost 3 years ago on Luann

    I wish Frank and Nancy would care this much about their actual daughter instead of laughing and making fun of her.

  7. almost 3 years ago on Luann

    With all of this, I question Bernice. Does she actually like Nil or is she one of those types that get the thrill of getting caught. She only likes to make out with Nil in a public park. She only starts kissing him when he hears a car …. is the thrill of getting caught what Bernice gets caught up in?

  8. almost 3 years ago on Luann

    Its just kissing Bern. Newsflash, literally no one cares how much the two of you kiss, how hard you kiss. Nil likes her a lot ( won’t use the other L word ), but does she like him or does she like the trill she gets from making out behind bushes and trees?

  9. almost 3 years ago on Luann

    Someone take puppers outside to do his morning business.

  10. almost 3 years ago on Luann

    How did Puddles get on Tiffanys upper bunk? What if he has to go potty?