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  1. 6 days ago on Luann

    What came to mind for me was the Canote Brothers’ cover of Barry Louis Polisar’s “I Wanna Be a Dog” (not to be confused with other songs of the same title or similar titles).

  2. 15 days ago on Luann

    On 2020/06/24, Tom says, “Look! He’s already waving hello!” On 2020/07/04, Les says, “Look at me, waving like a moron” and we see Tiffany’s eye open wide and her eyebrow float higher in her hair. On 2020/07/13, Tom asks Tiffany “You’re sure this ultrasound is of Les?” and Les walks in and says “It is. See? Same wave.” If you want to imagine an off-panel scene where they see a date on Les’s copy (or original) of the ultrasound, you’re welcome to. But it’s not part of the story as written. (My memory plays tricks on me, too, at times, but I don’t think this is one of them.)

  3. 15 days ago on Luann

    I just reread the strips from 2020/06/13, when Tiff first discovered the ultrasound, through 2020/07/18, when the mansion door got slammed with Ann on the outside, and there’s no mention of a date on the ultrasound. There was some discussion in the comments about how the ultrasound would have had a date, and also about how Ann might cropped it or photoshopped it out of the copy she made for Tom.

  4. 15 days ago on Luann

    No. It was Tiffany who noticed the resemblance of the ultrasound in Les’s “baby box” to the one she had found in the mansion. It took Les a while to understand what she was getting at. See the strips of 2020/07/06-07.

  5. 15 days ago on Luann


  6. 15 days ago on Luann

    There’s a story Carol Burnett has told about Lucille Ball. One time they were having lunch together and Lucy remarked that Carol was lucky to have her husband, Joe Hamilton, as executive producer of her show. During the run of I Love Lucy, she said, she didn’t have to worry about problems with the writing, the sets, the lights, etc. Desi would take charge, and all Lucy had to do was study the scripts and play her whacky character. When Lucy and Desi had split, and she was starting The Lucy Show, she went to the first Monday table reading, and the script “stank.” So she called a break for lunch, went to her dressing room and pondered what to do. Eventually, realizing that there was no “nice” way to handle the situation, and that she didn’t have Desi to rely on, she worked up her courage, went back to the writers, and told them exactly what she thought, without mincing words. “And, kid,” Lucy told Carol, “that’s when they put the ‘s’ on the end of my last name.”

  7. 22 days ago on Luann

    Back in October, Kip decided to take a break from Stef because he was annoyed by her unreasonable jealousy/suspicion toward Tiffany. Will he now realize Tiffany has just shown that Stef’s suspicion was not so unreasonable after all?

  8. 24 days ago on Luann

    We’ve just had a midweek mizdirection. TJ has directed Ms. Farrell to table 17.

  9. 26 days ago on Luann Againn

    L’il Abner once had a job as a mattress tester for the Stunned Ox Mattress Company.

  10. about 1 month ago on Luann

    At Spring Fair, Piro said that he had nine younger siblings. In the current arc, he showed up with six. Some, perhaps all, of the other three may be between Piro and Alan in age.