I’d love to do that. Problem is, I have two mini Dachshunds who need to go out to pee and poo about 10 times a day each. … no matter how bad the weather is. What was I thinking??? Maybe I wasn’t.
You are obviously a Trumper. Notice that the ONLY people he is helping are the rich? lol The same guy who says there will be “temporary hardship” and he and Trump dismantle government services and fire (not lay-off) over 100,000 federal employees? The guys who have no clue what “hardship” means? The guy who wants to annex Canada into the USA by economically destroying us? The same guy who wants to invade Greenland and take it over ( like the Ukraine)? Yeah, THAT guy. The same one who is pulling out of NATO and the World health Organization.
The Pandora’s Box scenario. It WAS opened, and all that is left in it is Hope. and Trump and Musk want to eliminate that as well.