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Recent Comments

  1. over 4 years ago on Garfield Classics

    That is bad touching. No means no girls.

  2. over 4 years ago on Garfield

    I definitely Identify with Arbuckle.

  3. over 4 years ago on Garfield

    Bacon is always the answer. Unless the question is "What food do you not like? or “We don’t have enough money for all these groceries. WHat do you want to put back?”

  4. over 4 years ago on Garfield

    Fish flavored num nums are cool. You are still cool.

  5. over 4 years ago on Garfield

    Phil & Jerry? Is Jon a Deadhead?

  6. over 4 years ago on Garfield Classics

    Beware for whom the splut tolls…

  7. over 4 years ago on Garfield Classics

    Love your profile pic. Civil Defense was a great system. We never should have gotten rid of it. They try to tell us ESDA is the same thing but it isn’t.

  8. over 4 years ago on Ziggy

    I could accept that. If the people in a community don’t want the statue anymore an effort should be made to find a safe home for it and the statue could be moved. Now we have mobs of out of towners coming in with rope and hacksaws destroying anything they don’t like. It is like they watched the taliban blowing up statues and shrines and though that was a great idea.

  9. almost 5 years ago on Learn to Speak Cat

    Kitty better not do that on power lines. On phone lines he should be OK.

  10. almost 5 years ago on Learn to Speak Cat

    That is where the term cuckold comes from btw.