Robins fight each other as well. They’ll observe each other, making moves (on the ground), trying to intimidate each other. If neither one is willing to back down then they’ll actually fight. I saw two fighting one day. It went on for a good while before the fight moved out of my view. The next day there was a dead robin in the yard.
It’s not that people get constantly burned buying online, with their packages arriving late or never, and still keep buying and hoping.
Are you saying that happens? I’ve never been burned buying online. I don’t buy from places like temu or alibaba, and am cautious about whom I DO buy from.
I was commenting based on your comments to Packratjohn, where you illogically equated expections for timely package arrival to religion.
Robins fight each other as well. They’ll observe each other, making moves (on the ground), trying to intimidate each other. If neither one is willing to back down then they’ll actually fight. I saw two fighting one day. It went on for a good while before the fight moved out of my view. The next day there was a dead robin in the yard.