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  1. 1 day ago on Doonesbury

    I’ll take “miss the point” for 100, please, Alec.

    I said I was tired of reading political crap and bile. I was told it’s my fault, because no one was forcing me to read the comments section.

    I replied that if I were to comment about horrid subjects, that would be ok in their opinion, because no one is forcing them to read the comments section.

    Nowhere does that equate to “funny”.

  2. 2 days ago on Doonesbury

    but sir… “Why can’t you understand that nobody is forcing you to read either the toons or the comments?” Or does that only apply to other people, not you?

  3. 2 days ago on Doonesbury

    Ahh, the good old “no one is forcing you” argument.

    So I can make horrible racist statements in the comments section, and you’re ok with that, because no one is forcing you to read the comments, right?

    In fact, you think it’s ok if I start posting descriptive graphic “artistic” writings about child p**n and r*ping three year olds, because hey, if you don’t like it, no one is forcing you to read it, right?

    Why can’t YOU understand that freedom of speech does not translate into various platforms being forced to give you an audience?

  4. 3 days ago on Doonesbury

    I come on GoComics to laugh. I don’t come here to swallow political crap, from either side.

    I repeat, if you’re going to spew politics, make it funny. Otherwise, take it elsewhere. There’s literally thousands of corners you can stand on your soapbox and scream at the masses.

  5. 3 days ago on Doonesbury

    I’m all for political humor, from either side, so long as it’s not particularly mean and so long is it’s funny. I laugh at memes from both sides of the aisle.

    Gary Trudeau doesn’t like Trump. Ok, I get that. But if we’re being honest here, his last several Sunday dailies have just basically been anti-Trump propaganda, and not particularly funny. Be honest, did anyone get a belly laugh from the “punch line” of today’s comic? I doubt it.

    Mock Trump if you will, but make it funny.

  6. 5 months ago on Tank McNamara

    “annnnnd that’s right down the middle, for ball one”

    (an actual call by a play by play announcer; he was correct, though!)

  7. 5 months ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    At the risk of being sombre, on a comics page…. many people rant about how “wonderful” the Canadian legal system is, until they themselves become victims and then realize how badly broken it is. All the rights are given to the bad guy, the victim is left holding the bag.

    If Calvin lived in Canada and they caught the burglar, there would be no restitution or compensation (“that’s what your insurance is for”). The burglar would be freed that very afternoon after arrest. He’d get a free defense weasel to represent him in court, and if found guilty, wouldn’t spend a minute in jail because home robberies are “non-violent crimes”.

    Sigh… I’m off to another strip, maybe some Pearls will uplift me now!

  8. 7 months ago on Tank McNamara

    Here’s an idea… cut the season by 10%. Next, cut the player’s salary by 10%. Then, cut the ticket prices and concessions by 10%. Ta-da! (James Harden’s salary would go from $33 million for six months “work”, down to $30 million. Perhaps we could start a GoFundMe for him, so he can financially survive)

  9. 11 months ago on Herman

    Every now and then, someone would “recycle” an old ticket and put it on their windshield. I always checked tickets on windows. When I saw them doing this “trick”, I’d tow the car. When the person would later squawk, as they always would, I’d blink innocently and tell them the car had been parked there illegally for six weeks, so I thought it had been abandoned.

  10. about 1 year ago on Tank McNamara

    Perhaps shockingly, I couldn’t possibly care less about the rich kid of a “celebrity” who throws balls through a hoop.