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lucillegreyewriting Free

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  1. almost 5 years ago on FoxTrot

    No it’s emphasizing how far out in the middle of nowhere you are.

  2. almost 5 years ago on FoxTrot

    Heatstroke. Okay then!

  3. almost 5 years ago on FoxTrot

    The last panel is me any time I’m on the phone. Either that or I’m pacing like crazy.

  4. almost 5 years ago on FoxTrot

    I’m a book nerd- does that count?

  5. almost 5 years ago on FoxTrot

    Hah! (Is this a competition?)

  6. almost 5 years ago on FoxTrot

    I’ve had some pretty cool dreams, like the one where I went on an adventure with a ton of elves and fought Kylo Ren.

  7. almost 5 years ago on FoxTrot

    I take my Oreos apart and break them into pieces and eat them bit by bit. That’s how I eat all cookies, actually.

  8. almost 5 years ago on FoxTrot

    It’s more of the kids’ fault Thant the teachers’. The students have started to become entitled, acting like school is about them coming there to hang out with friends, rather than actually working to learn. Maybe I’m wrong, but that is my opinion. If the students actually understood how important their education is and how important the teachers’ time is, things would be different. It’s not completely the teachers fault.

  9. almost 5 years ago on FoxTrot

    Not if he searched “does Amazon own a river”

  10. almost 5 years ago on FoxTrot

    Actually I didn’t get it, so thanks to LittlePiggyOink