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- almost 5 years ago on Bloom County 2019
almost 5 years ago
on Bloom County 2019
It affects my religion, which is why I can’t ignore it. Russia and Ukraine are key centers for Orthodoxy these days, and the conflict extends to the spiritual. A con man who is not a valid bishop is in league with gangsters who are in turn getting our taxes laundered to them so they can fight valid bishops who have NO CHOICE but to hire their own gangster to protect them until they figure out how to make a new Czar, all while protecting Orthodox Catholics from around the world, such as from Syria, and attend to wayward Americans like me. It’s complicated, and never told like how it is by the media.
almost 5 years ago
on Bloom County 2019
The ultimate Libertarian ideal is for everyone to own a gun, the only sacred borders are your own private property lines, and every war is a private duel between Two consenting Aggrieved individuals.
almost 5 years ago
on Bloom County 2019
Epoch Times has debunked that assertion. Biden was laundering our tax money to Ukrainian gangsters, period. As an Orthodox Christian, I see the conflict between Russia and the Ukraine as a tragic Civl War between two peoples who historically were separate countries almost entirely over the rivalries of ancient feudal lords. Culture, customs, religion, all the same until 1917. Tried to get back together after 1991, but government gangs (Or Neo-Feudalists masquerading as republican) that cant stop thinking tactically like KGB no matter what they ACTUALLY believe or want and religious rivalries over valid ordination between bishops have made a foreign entanglement we Americans had best avoid, but Obama and Biden chose not too, and arrogantly thought they could get away with it.
almost 5 years ago
on Bloom County 2019
If you haven’t already, You need to realize that you are voting for a pig in a poke, because Biden will NEVER be the FUNCTIONAL president, only official, MAYBE, for a little while. If he gets incredibly Lucky, and the virus lasts throughout the summer, he JUST might squeak by, and then, just to give him the dignity of lasting longer than President Harrison (31 days, 1841), try to go through the motions for 40 days. Then the farce can finally end, and ??? will be sworn in.And you have absolutely no idea who that is.
almost 5 years ago
on Bloom County 2019
Getting rid of the college would guarantee the kind of Magna Carta style civil war that it was designed to prevent. It would involve big city folk eating a lot of rats and pigeons after the rural communities boycott them into either sharing power again or starve. Given how big a pool of the military they provide, you really couldn’t rely on them to stop it.
almost 5 years ago
on Bloom County 2019
My guess, if they can slow Joe’s deterioration, they will make her his VP, and try to make him last long enough to win and pass the torch to her. It won’t work, of course.
almost 5 years ago
on Bloom County 2019
She’s also the ONLY sincere Party Reformer, which is why they won’t let her anywhere near the top. They’d rather lose now than lose their long term meal tickets.
almost 5 years ago
on Bloom County 2019
This makes actually a lot of sense, their creator Travors was A VERY conservative Brit. Life long Tory to her core.
“There are more wonders in heaven and on earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy”; say, did you know hamlet was a very subtle allegorical defense of the doctrine of Purgatory?As an Orthodox, I don’t so much believe Purgatory is a “Place” as it is a Road, although Dante cleverly describes it as both, inspired by that maddening Road Saint Benedict built into his Monastery’s hill, spiraling slowly upwards along steep terraces. Not for the faint of heart to go up that hill on a tour bus, in the back looking out. Every turn makes you feel like a sling shot pebble the instant before release across a vast valley.