Dj snowbeard

dj.byrne Premium

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Recent Comments

  1. 4 days ago on Wizard of Id

    Defying the attackers: “Lay on, Mac!”

  2. 6 days ago on Lola

    This strip’s humor is usually more spontaneous than formulaic.

  3. 22 days ago on JumpStart

    The Pinis are still together, and still publishing new Elfquest books and continuing to re-issue back issues for new readers. They’re clearly passionate about getting the story known. Most of their books are on their website, to read for free. An “audio movie” just came out last year, dramatizing the first issues.

  4. 23 days ago on Lola

    Yes, most dogs’ hearing is excellent; they heard it the first time. Sometimes a longer look, or raised eyebrow, is enough of a second chance.

  5. 29 days ago on JumpStart

    FOOM == Friends Of Ol’ Marvel. MMMS == Merry Marvel Marching Society.The letters pages used to be worth reading, very community-building. At least one marriage came out of the letters page of Silver Surfer, yielding the creative due that wrote, drew, and published ElfQuest.

  6. about 2 months ago on Sherman's Lagoon

    What do you suppose “Scooby snacks” are made from? Lemonade is from lemons…

  7. about 2 months ago on The Knight Life

    Then make a bee-line to the scene of the hive!

  8. 2 months ago on Aunty Acid

    Friends I’ve not seen in years have reached out since we evacuated the Eaton Fire in Altadena, CA. I’ve had offers of housing in Massachusetts, Colorado, Oregon… and yes, several in Los Angeles.

  9. 2 months ago on Red and Rover

    Comic books of the Red&Rover era advertised 6-foot submarine kits for, I dunno, under $10.

  10. 4 months ago on Frank and Ernest

    Yes, funny that was the current Flash’s introduction to Bruce Wayne.