Years back when I was in first grade I had trouble with saying words with S in them. I was put in with a speech teacher. She would say words that I had difficulty saying and I would repeat them back. If I said the word correctly I would get a M&M. Seems a little strange now but it was effective. After a few months I no longer had any problems with pronunciation. I guess I was a 2 legged version of Pavlov’s dog, lol.
I saw a collector on American Pickers that had a coin operated meter. He said it was Depression era and installed so instead of a monthly bill the people might not be able to pay they could put coins in to get a limited amount of electricity when they needed it.
Nah, he’s just a guy who became a father but had no clue on how to be a parent. Now that he’s gotten older he’s trying to figure things out to the best of his ability. He still has a lot to learn but being around and spending time with Heart shows he’s starting to slowly figure things out.
We have always had indoor cats but our one cat got out by accident. We looked all over the neighborhood with no luck. The next day I noticed white fur near a hole under our wood deck. Sure enough she was under the deck but wouldn’t come out. After hours of coaxing my wife had an idea to bring the vacuum cleaner which the cat always ran from onto the deck to get her to come out. Worked immediately, the cat came flying out that hole so fast I was barely able to grab her, lol.
The Ellis Island comment hit home for me. They changed the name of my grandparents there and created a new name for the family. The strange part is they took a relatively simple name and turned it into a more complicated pronunciation that has multiple, diverse ethnic groups thinking I’m one of them when they hear the name, lol.
Wow, your detachment from reality is worse then I thought. You should seriously consider seeking medical attention because a severely distorted view of reality that you have could be a sign of a serious medical or mental problem. Good Luck.
Don’t think we needed yet another clueless, indecisive, relationship challenged character in this comic but here we are.