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  1. about 12 hours ago on Tank McNamara

    A hologram of cool papa bell!

  2. 2 days ago on Tank McNamara

    Shpuld turn off the clock in the 7th inning of World Series games for maximum drama for end of games

  3. 6 days ago on Monty

    At some point while reading several of the really excellent books on Waterloo, it dawned on me how much better it would have been had Napoleon won. Where ever he conquered he displaced royalty, clerical domination, and installed merit based government in both the military and the civil service. While this happened eventually in these countries, but only at a terrific cost of bloody civil war. Wouldn’t the world have been better off with a French dominated Germany (pre germany actually)? Would he have eventually taken Russia? Wouldn’t that have been a good thing? Taking a little pride away from Victorian England, not a bad thing. Napoleon might have been the force that helped modernize an autocratic (state and church) world.

  4. 7 days ago on Cleats

    MMA with its emphasis on parts of Ju Jitsu, Wrestling, grappling and Karate has many fewer blows to the head than traditional boxing. While there are some gruesome knockouts. MMA typically lacks the 20 or more punches to the head in each round for 12 rounds as in boxing, where the cumulative damage is more of a concern. The last five years have seen a dramatic increase in striking and less grappling in the MMA. In regard to animal blood sports, all end if one animal turns away from the fight. That’s an an immediate forfeit. This is a rarity. The animals have hundreds of generations all aimed at creating a combatitive heart.

  5. 12 days ago on Tank McNamara

    As a young person in the 70’s..I’ve been disappointed to hear that like everything else, Mary Jane has been frankencharged into something very different, 20 times more potent than it was 50 years ago….likely making all the terrible warnings from back then actually true today.

  6. 12 days ago on Arlo and Janis

    Thanks, I certainly missed that

  7. 12 days ago on Baby Blues

    Like the turn here. New character is always a pleasant suprise, re: Peanuts expanding cast of characters

  8. 13 days ago on Arlo and Janis

    My wife and I are lucky, two new homes in 50 years…nice, but really the yard, the neighborhood and the community played more of a role in making us happy. We sold both homes after less than 5 years in each. First one for $45,000 last one for $450,000. Can’t say we missed either when we moved on. Our current house in N Dallas was built in ‘58 on a crawl space, overshaded by two 100’ Oaks on an acre lot in a neighborhood where trees meet in the middle of the street. No crime, grocery store 3/4 of a mile, good restaurants, easy drive to Docs and relatives. Our first home was an old trailer we rented in an run down trailer park in OKC. When I walked from the front to the back the back door would pop open. Rented for ten years later in life when money was too tight to own. Finally Bought our last rental from the two elderly sisters owners. Point is that our two “perfect” new houses weren’t that significantly more wonderful than the significantly older, rougher, smaller homes that we lived in. The places and the time of our life (kids age, jobs satisfaction, general happiness) made the difference. We rented for 3 years in an old neighborhood in Springfield MO. No air conditioning, no garage, wooded yard, $375 a month. Daughters 1st grade was a two block walk every morning down treelined streets. 2blocks the other way was a Baskin Robbins we walked the kids to often at dusk…always an adventure. Groceries a block away. A very satisfying home that had little to do with the house.

  9. 15 days ago on Arlo and Janis

    I worked at Centerre Bank in Springfield, Mo back 35 years ago. One of the lead secretaries was from Alaska. She lost 2 sons in the earthquake, the ground opened up right in front of her, took both the kids, then closed and left her alive a few feet away. Probably just as many terrible tales from Tornadoes, Hurricanes and Wildfires. Heartbreaking

  10. 15 days ago on Arlo and Janis

    I looked up our Tampa house on Zillow last year. Shocked to see it there and basically unchanged. Concrete block with a flat roof and a small “Florida Room”…..with 3 sides all louvered glass windows you cranked open and shut. I believe zillow said $240,000…probably $8,000 when we lived there. All 3 orange groves gone, no ponds.