This may be unpopular opinion, but I just don’t feel like these people are that bad. Misguided perhaps, but not that bad. I don’t think there’s a nefarious plot. But people who maybe haven’t had pets before don’t understand them the way those of us who have do. I choose to think that they picked her up because they’re lonely and have not had the experience of finding lost cats, or taking them to get microchip checked. Volunteering with the rescue, we see it often where people who are non-pet people try to do something nice or what they think is right to help an animal, but they just don’t have the experience to know what to do. I’m choosing to believe in well meaning but not knowledgeable interference.
I have faith in the BCN crew. And I bet the lady who stopped to pick up Sophie is probably just lonely. Maybe she lost a cat. Maybe it will all end with Sophie back with her people and the older couple adopting a rescue cat! So much to hope for! Knock their socks off at your talk, Georgia!
Just so glad you got to have that time with your family. I love getting to see some of the old strips while we look forward to the new. Thank you for persevering, Georgia, so we can all continue to enjoy the wonderful stories you bring us.
Get it, Bea!! They shoot them off for a week before and sometime all the way through the night and into the morning. The cats and I have not slept well at night since June 27th. I’m with Bea on this one!!
Ora Zella is everything!! I just love how she calls them Papa. Reminds me of Eleven in Stranger Things!