The rat

Ratkin Premium

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Recent Comments

  1. 17 minutes ago on Baby Blues

    Wheaties and Grape-Nut Flakes.

  2. about 10 hours ago on Loose Parts

    Probationary angel.

  3. about 10 hours ago on Pickles

    He’s living the good life.

  4. about 10 hours ago on Sherman's Lagoon

    In every sense of the word.

  5. about 10 hours ago on Off the Mark

    “Hey! They’re catatonic.”

  6. about 10 hours ago on Non Sequitur

    Where’s the Tesla?

  7. about 20 hours ago on Frank and Ernest

    Some such stories may also be like mine. My ancestor mentioned above was apparently half black, half white and his son even lighter. Family lore was that the son was part Indian. In a census 1830 in Missouri his wife and children were all listed as white but he had no racial category listed, apparently “unknown”. I would guess that it was considered preferable to being considered part Indian than part black in Missouri at that time, so these stories may have emerged to explain the darker coloration.

  8. about 22 hours ago on Pickles

    I do. Los Altos.

  9. 1 day ago on Pickles

    There’s a Walmart about 10 miles from us, but I think I’ve only gone there once. For bulk/cheap stuff we go to Costco which is about the same distance. Within five blocks of our house there is a Lucky Market, a Trader Joe’s, and an independent produce store (which has the best prices and selection on produce). A little farther there’s a Smart and Final, a Safeway, a Nob Hill (Raley’s) and my wife shops at all of them. We buy a lot of stuff from Amazon, too. In that same range there are two luxury brand supermarkets (Andronico’s and Zanotto’s) but we don’t shop there.

  10. 1 day ago on Rubes

    That looks like Horton from Horton Hears a Who.