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JH&Cats Free

kibitzing at home with the cats, enjoying old and new comics, especially the visually pleasing ones...fan of Pogo--gone before my time but a fave of my dad's

Recent Comments

  1. 2 minutes ago on Cul de Sac

    That was a famous scene in the movie Five Easy Pieces. Myself, I used to help out at a hot dog pushcart. Sauerkraut on a bun was called a veggie dog, and makes a nice lunch.

  2. 14 minutes ago on Non Sequitur

    It’s possible for any of us to discover something that’s been there for ages—as any travel agent will tell you.

  3. 29 minutes ago on Andy Capp

    I enjoy the Quiz scenes. I like pub quizzes, but they’re very scarce where I am. No real English-style pubs nearby—closest thing is a cribbage tournament in an Irish pub in the next town, but it’s not a regular thing. A fundraiser for medical expenses—the beneficiary being a cribbage fan and a regular at the bar.

  4. about 2 hours ago on Wallace the Brave

    My cats do this.

  5. about 2 hours ago on Wallace the Brave

    Her hands were full of too much laundry.

  6. about 2 hours ago on Wallace the Brave

    I don’t get that claim about rolling. Seems to me mass is mass, no matter how it’s arranged. Rolls may be packed tightly, but you can squeeze flat-folded things just as tightly. Best is the edge-on stack so you can see your array of options in the drawer all at once.

    Avenge is right. Wallace is the avenger, and his mom is the dame in distress who will be avenged by his punishment of Sterling (subtly implying that brother alone is to blame).

  7. about 2 hours ago on Wallace the Brave

    Eagle eyes.

  8. about 2 hours ago on Cul de Sac

    Also a haunting song by Schubert (in “Winterreise”).

  9. about 2 hours ago on Snow Sez

    It’s pretty noisy in the dinning room. :-)

  10. 1 day ago on Cul de Sac

    An earlier embodiment was the hurdy-gurdy, which originally had a wheel, turned by the crank, which made its rosined edge rub past the strings. Later barrel-organs were also set to sound continuously by turning a crank.