I was married to my first wife 48 years, (she passed away) she was a widow with 3 children when we got married. My second wife and I are married 10 years (her husband passed away) and I am not sorry I married either of my spouses. Marriage is a commitment and any marriage has it’s bad and good days. We have lots of grandchildren and great grandchildren. What more can you ask for?
I worked as an Air Traffic Controller. One day a guy that was visiting the facility was talking to One of my fellow workers. Turns out the guy was a reporter for a local newspaper. The guy edited and published the conversation and the story had some controversial edited facts in it. My fellow worker received a letter of reprimand even though the guy never told him he was a member of the media.
When I was 7 or 8 years old I didn’t go to school because I was going to be late. My brothers told me I would get spanked for being late and I was scared of being spanked. I walked all morning and finally went back home. I had walked several miles. Needless to say my brothers got in trouble for telling me I would be punished at school for being late.
This whole arc is stupid. It is making it sound like doing a jump with an experienced jumper is totally dangerous. That’s not true. Thousands of people have done it and done it safely.
We were jumping on the bed in our bedroom which was above the dining room and the one leg of the bed broke through the floor and then went through the dining room ceiling. I thought we were really in for it but to my surprise my father didn’t get bent too much out of sorts. Seemed like they had a joint in the flooring that out in the middle of space where there was no support under the joint.
The camera would not be shown in the selfie