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(Špîtšÿ) Free

I am a big Nate fan!

Recent Comments

  1. almost 5 years ago on Big Nate

    The weather gods overheard there conversation

  2. almost 5 years ago on Big Nate

    Ouch! Who knew a man that had been born in the epoch had good burns as well!

  3. almost 5 years ago on Big Nate

    That’s the greatest sweater I have ever seen!!!

  4. almost 5 years ago on Big Nate


  5. almost 5 years ago on Big Nate

    Remember it like it was yesterday

  6. almost 5 years ago on Big Nate

    Square root

  7. almost 5 years ago on Big Nate

    Being a teacher for a long time like mr. Galvin does something to a teacher.

  8. almost 5 years ago on Big Nate

    Is this the first large appearance of Chester?

  9. almost 5 years ago on Garfield Classics

    Cats don’t really walk.

  10. almost 5 years ago on Garfield

    I thought his story about his day was very interesting.