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- 9 months ago on Phil Hands
9 months ago
on Phil Hands
Usage of the wholesome, non-toxic, medicinal herb CANNABIS results in ZERO (0) cannabis herb deaths annually in the U.S.
9 months ago
on Phil Hands
Drug usage of the hard physically & psychologically-addictive drug ALCOHOL results in ~130,000 alcohol drug deaths annually in the U.S.
9 months ago
on Phil Hands
Drug usage of the hard physically & psychologically-addictive drug TOBACCO results in ~500,000 tobacco drug deaths annually in the U.S.
9 months ago
on Phil Hands
At least the numbers show each item in the list. Sorry I couldn’t make it more readable!
9 months ago
on Phil Hands
Part II9. restrict the sale of drugs to pharmacies/dispensaries only;10. require all pharmacies/dispensaries to provide adult drug purchasers with access to drug professionals, i.e. medical doctors, pharmacists, nurses, et al. to assist/support adult drug purchasers in making drug purchases, avoiding harmful drug interactions;11. restrict/suspend/revoke an adult drug user’s drug usage license when a drug user harms some person other than him/herself through the misuse of drugs purchased by the adult drug user;12. split federal ATF into Bureau of Firearms/Explosives and Bureau of Drug Taxation;13. revisit issue of portion of drug cost paid by insurance company/government agency and portion of drug cost paid by end-user drug purchaser;14. require responsible adult (parent, guardian, et al.) to purchase and supervise drug use by minor(s) under responsible adult’s care;15. provide severe penalties for drug misuse by a possessor of a valid drug user’s drug license that harms/injures/kills some person other than the possessor of a valid drug user’s drug license, including surreptitiously drugging some other person, illegally providing a drug to a minor, etc.;16. …
9 months ago
on Phil Hands
My initial recommendation regarding the evil, tyrannical, irrational, immoral, counterproductive, and unconstitutional prohibition of drugs is to:
Part I1. repeal all CSAs, federal & state (no more CSA ‘controlled substances’);2. retain OTC and Rx drug laws;3. abolish the DEA and other drug-war agencies;4. ensure ALL drugs, including tobacco, alcohol, and coffee are subject to being regulated as OTC drugs;5. ensure all drug taxes (Summation of all federal; state; county; city, et al. drug taxes are capped at a total of <= 20% of retail sales price) do not promote black market by being too onerous;6. regulate as Rx-restricted drugs only those drugs/dosage forms that when used are harmful to some other person than the person using the drug, e.g. radioactive drugs, antibiotic drugs (when misused drugs become ineffective), any smoking/vaping drug dosage form used in public;7. require all adult drug purchasers to possess and maintain a valid drug user’s drug license;8. record all drug purchases made by end-user adult drug purchaser with valid drug user’s drug license;
9 months ago
on Phil Hands
Too bad comments are NOT able to be formatted! (for legibility)
9 months ago
on Phil Hands
Grow your own cannabis plants.
9 months ago
on Phil Hands
Drug prohibitionists cause crime, violence, government corruption and death! Just say NO to drug prohibition!
“According to new data from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 178,000 people died in the US each year in 2020 and 2021 because of excessive alcohol use — a 29 percent increase from just five years before.” Source – Vox 2024Mar05 – Alcohol overuse causes 178,000 American deaths annually. Why is it so undertreated?