The AJC on this date featured a conversation of Ruthie and Grandpa.. Their parting good bye was the much beloved “See you later , Alligator” . Sadly, Donald Trump, Jr had put this in the public in the most despicable accusation I have seen, in my 92 years, against a political candidate (Joe Biden) It makes me furious and makes my skin crawl to see this well used phrase used in this context… I am not joking……
The AJC on this date featured a conversation of Ruthie and Grandpa.. Their parting good bye was the much beloved “See you later , Alligator” . Sadly, Donald Trump, Jr had put this in the public in the most despicable accusation I have seen, in my 92 years, against a political candidate (Joe Biden) It makes me furious and makes my skin crawl to see this well used phrase used in this context… I am not joking……