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  1. about 2 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Well thats the catch right?! innovation usually doesnt happen in a linear fashion, its usually a mistake or a happy accident. Look at Viagra, it wasnt meant for what it is currently used for they were trying to make a blood pressure medication.Sooo how do you produce clean fresh water so people on earth can benefit? well you send people to mars where there is no water and now we create a way to cheaply manufacture H2O so that we can survive on a harsh planet.

  2. almost 5 years ago on Non Sequitur

    This is an old TV show (Twilight Zone type)… this guy visits a museum daily finds that he can enter a painting of a boat in a lake (i believe). He then steals or kills someone and breaks back in to the museum in the dark to “enter” this painting and he does but what he realizes is that the museum moved the painting and he entered one of hell. anyone recall this one???