@Ishka Bibel Watterson made most of his money by licensing C&H via Andrews McMeel to c. 2,400 newspapers between 1985 and 1995 when he was generating a new strip virtually every day. Since 1995 when he stopped drawing the strip he may still have revenue from the books. But he refused to ever approve C&H merchandise. I doubt he makes much from reruns such as those here on goComics. So he is financially very comfortable I think, but he could have made much more by shamelessly exploiting his characters.
@einarbt We have to be in the 7-10 range, no? But I think a rainbow blob delivered by an interstellar teapot is up there. Whatever Will’s sipping, order me a glass too.
I may have misread Rose’s comment as I’m pretty sure Mom and Dad weren’t about to sit down and practice some pieces on a small tuba-like instrument … or maybe I didn’t misread Rose’s suggestion after all.
Yup, that works. I’m also not sure how many people have noticed that while you can’t click the strip in the ‘comics’ tab to get the full image link, you can right click the image in the overview tab and open the image in a new tab to get its URL. Although I only do this in Wallace the Brave so generally forget about it elsewhere …
I misused the inspect-elements function in chrome (developer tools) to get the image url. Put this url into a google image search – and amongst the image results was one from the original strip. Then zoomed in on the copyright notice to get the earlier date. It actually takes longer to describe than it took to do, but even so ‘cupertino jay’ got there about 10 minutes before I did.