Hmm. Luann’s been having a career/life crisis. Wonder if this is where she discovers she should become a teacher because she’s good with teaching kids?
1. Bernice sounds jealous. Why does she think Luann has to have feelings for Phil? They might just turn out to be acquaintances.2. The organ/blood donation storyline is a great way of throwing focus onto a serious, often overlooked subject. However, trying to turn it into a family event stretches credibility a bit — kids can’t give blood, and holding the event at a bar makes it even less appropriate for anyone under 18 (or perhaps 21).3. Brad and Teri, however, should be 110 percent in on this. This could be a great bonding moment for Luann and her big brother.
1. Frank is being selfish. What if he and Luann are not compatible, but he still needs a kidney donation from someone?2. Given that those are her 3rd and 4th waffles of this meal, I’d say Bernice had/has an eating disorder. Or a hyperactive metabolism that allows her to eat a ton without gaining weight.
Wow…given the topic, that must have been quite the strip. Most wouldn’t touch religion or same-gender relationships. Unless you’re talking about comic books, which have taken on much more adult topics in the past couple of decades.
Selfish, selfish Bernice…