
FredVainas1 Free

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  1. almost 4 years ago on Monty

    I get kind of a Don Martin feel from some of these strips. And, that’s a good thing.

  2. almost 4 years ago on Monty

    Maybe because he got drunk last night and slept in the back of a truck.

  3. about 4 years ago on Monty

    Yes, but the look on the dog’s face is worth it.

  4. about 4 years ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Dad is supposed to teach him how to ride. Holding him up, running alongside. It’s what dads do.

  5. about 4 years ago on Get Fuzzy

    Some vegans (i would say most) don’t eat any animal products, whether the animal had to die or not.

  6. about 4 years ago on Get Fuzzy

    But can I shout “theater” in a crowded fire?

  7. about 4 years ago on Get Fuzzy

    That’s just ridiculous.

  8. about 4 years ago on Monty

    Monty climbs a tree to escape from a squirrel? Does he know anything about squirrels?

  9. about 4 years ago on Monty

    Looks like he’s wearing his watch.

  10. about 4 years ago on Monty

    I was skeptical when somebody told me Nestle’s Crunch was made with rice.